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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The Honest Guide helped live in a taxi scam
  • ...reminds me of a trip with a cab back in 2010ish.

    Two friends of mine and i went from Kladno to Prague via cab - a 30km ride. Cabdriver told us what this will cost, we took the ride. Cabdriver went well under the speed limit on the highway and it was clear early on: this ass wants to scam us.

    Once we arrive he asked for double the price he initially asked to get. We gave him exactly what was agreed upon at the start and he threatened to call the cops. We told him "good luck" and "fuck you" and let him scream at us while we disappeared into the crowds of the downtown area.

    Good times.

  • I think the Krokodil has expired, these demands are literally impossible
  • "Merz had to form a coalition...."

    Dude, ever since the BRD exists ALL governments in Germany were coalitions.
    Every single one of them.
    So, if you dont understand what you talking about about, please read some wiki article or something, and skip the rightwing bullshit propaganda on youtube, ok?

  • Trump says he was being a 'bit sarcastic' when he promised to end Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours
  • "See, if I am right about something, i was right about it from the start, even if I never said anything about it, ever.
    If i am wrong about something, i was clearly making a joke, was sarcastic or, on purpose, exaggerated the issue.
    It's your fault, if you don't understand or recognize what i do."

  • "Bürokratie in Deutschland wurde komplett abgeschafft" Rheinmetall-Chef Papperger | DW Nachrichten
  • Jupp, hat er.
    Und wenn man dann noch weiß, das viele Bestimmungen zb des "BundesImmissionSchutzGesetztes" (BImSchG, für die Freaks da draussen) und deren Verordnungen, Explosionsschutz (Atex) usw entweder nicht oder nur abgeschwächt für Betriebe der Rüstungsindustrie oder deren Produkte gelten, dann erklärt sich auch warum das für Rheinmetall so ist.
    Und warum es für andere Unternehmen aufwendiger ist bestimmte Dinge zu tun.

  • The fediverse is nothing but left wing propaganda anymore
  • Wow. I have bo idea where to start with this one:

    The fedditverse is not about americans, leftists are not all-including and whoever believes that has not understood politics in the slightest way. The conservative in the USA destroys everything outside their scope right now and a lot of history is being rewritten, for example the shit that went down on the 6th of January 24.

    I read a lot of uninformed bias in this post and i am not surprised you feel attacked a lot. I bet you are, and rightfully so, because this is fox news level uninformed stuff you call knowledge here.