unfortunately he cant be removed till the end of his term, but he can be removed as senate minority leader, immediately, and removed from all his committees. Lets see if the dems have the stones to do that. If they dont, they are all complicit.
Buddy we're in this mess specifically because the dems dragged their feet on doing something about trump and waited until the last minute to sic the courts on him, the earlier they do things the better.
This is exactly what the right wing has done over a couple decades and it's worked fine for them. People either lost their seats or got so scared of the constant opposition they fell in line.
As a very dumb person, is what the Dems that voted for this said wrong? Is there a chance that Asshat Trump and his Billionaire Butt Buddy would go on an unchecked rampage without Congress in session? Or is that just bull crap? I don't know enough about how everything works when congress shuts down.
No, that is the flimsiest of excuses. First of all, how could the presidents rampage more beyond what has already transpired? Secondly, republicans love to throw tantrums and shut down the govt all the time. This wouldn’t be much different except it would show the dems are actually willing to fight with the tools they have. Unfortunately, Schumer’s maneuver shows they are not. It’s beyond pathetic.