Cast shade on his politics? Easy. You can rent a large enough number of billboards around the country to start an influence campaign on the cheap, getting republicans to start asking if they’ve been betrayed. We’re talking a few million a year. Much as the republicans chipped at the dem base in the election, you just need to get enough of them angry to start the fighting and finger pointing in their own house.
Rent a few republican legislators and get them to start throwing a wrench in things? Doable, but you have to steer them a bit. Probably 2 to 3 times the cost of the billboards. You also need to make them feel they come out on top for the noise they make. Probably call them “the loyal trump faction” and have them go overboard demanding things faster than the american people will take.
Start a competitor to twitter? Probably lose 100mm a year to start, but it can be done.
How very Usamerican of you to assume all billionaires were inside of your country :-)
No, it would not be actually dangerous. You just need to be prepared to lose a good part of your money.
After all, it is only a Tricktator. A manipulator and a trickster. No real teeth. No real dictator (though he absolutely wants to become that). No real strength, neither physical nor mental.
None of them will ever go against each other. The one thing that the wealthy do understand is class solidarity and they will never go after or prosecute one of their own.
That's what baffles me with the DOGE fracas. How long will solidarity hold when there are some very clear winners and losers within their own class?
There are a lot of billionaires who have fat revenue streams coming out of the federal budget, and I don't think they're all eager to trigger some sort of Mad Max/Medieval social collapse just so they can be the Archduke of San Jose after America implodes. I doubt they all bought the Network State story.
A fair number of them, expecting to live for more than 10 years and wanting to remain rich, probably invested aggressively into "skate where the puck is going" businesses that are now being slaughtered in the name of doubling down on fossil fuels and uncompetitive domestic manufacturers. Will Elon eat their losses? Of course, he's committing financial seppuku too.
the one thing that the wealthy do understand is class solidarity
Seems we in the working class should learn something from them. Too often we fight amongst ourselves (by design!) when we should be going after the rich.