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How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • I suppose that's fair enough. 👍

    I just didn't want someone to get the wrong impression, that's all. :)

  • Are we There yet? Current adoption status of various technologies
  • This is so cool. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this!

  • Are we There yet? Current adoption status of various technologies
  • Well of course. Those bastards want everyone to use their stupid WebP format.

    On a related note, how does JPEGXL compare to PNG? Does it support layers?

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • Not necessarily. There are plenty of trans women out there who are 100% fine with having a penis and have absolutely no desire to have bottom surgery.

    Same with trans men and vaginas.

    As well as with nonbinary people and whatever genitals they had when born.

    Being trans isn't about your genitals; it's about how you feel at a fundamental level.

  • What's the coolest thing you found while metal detecting?
  • I'm getting the sense that you found copper...

  • Switch from Ubuntu to something immutable?
  • versus globally

    So is this a matter of personal profiles? Userspace would be anything within a particular user's space, if you will?

  • I'd waited almost a year, waited through sales, now island of insight is free for the next 24 hours
  • Never said they didn't. I'm just sayin'.......I've never heard of it. shrug

  • Switch from Ubuntu to something immutable?
  • Not OP, but speaking as a Linux newb, what is a "userspace" exactly?

  • Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
  • Lmao, that tldr is fucking GLORIOUS.

  • When did Speaker Grilles stop being a thing
  • Oh fuck that noise! (No pun intended.)

    No grille on my speaker? No purchase on my end!

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • I knew what DirectX was; I just thought X11 was an abbreviation for DirectX. Lol.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Ah, so it's like DirectX11/12? That makes sense! How come it's never (presumably?) used on Windows?


    Many issues due to being legacy

    Many issues due to being Modern



    Edit: Okay, looking it up, it's apparent that X11 is not the same thing as DirectX11. Lol.

  • Pity, really.
  • This isn't IRL, though.

  • Is the Proton (Mail, VPN, Password Manager) ecosystem any good?
  • You're talking about this, right?

    That sounds promising. Know any good sites that can help me get started, or at least learn more?

  • Could someone help me understand the input() function?

    I'm currently learning Python and am learning about very basic functions such as int(), float(), and input().

    I have the first two down pat, but I'm struggling to understand the last. The example I'm looking at is found at 12:26 of this video:

    nam = input('Who are you? ') print('Welcome', nam)

    Who are you? Chuck Welcome Chuck

    In this case, wouldn't nam be a variable equal to the text on the right side of the = sign?

    In which case, if nam is equal to input('Who are you? '), then wouldn't print('Welcome', nam) just result in

    Welcome input(Who are you? )?

    Obviously not (nor does it work in a compiler), which leads me to believe I'm clearly misunderstanding something. But I've rewatched that section of the video several times, and looked it up elsewhere on the web, and I just can't wrap my head around it.

    Could someone help me with this?



    Any suggestions for cheap but decent laptops for coding?

    I'm currently learning how to code (currently Python, then maybe JavaScript), but I'm not always around my desktop, and learning on my phone is not always an option (also, it can be quite cumbersome at times). Therefore, I'm looking into purchasing a laptop just for learning how to code and stuff.

    I don't want to get a Chromebook because I want to be able to wipe the drive and install Linux on it (probably Linux Mint). Maybe it's changed since 2013, but the last time I had a Chromebook, it was a pain in the ass to install even bog-standard Ubuntu on it.

    Problem is, I'm also heavily limited by space & budget: no more than 11 in (280 mm) total laptop width and 330 USD base price.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Please forgive me if this is not the right space for this kind of question. Lemme know if it is and I'll delete it. :)


    Is it bad form for one person to have 2 accounts on a single instance?

    I suppose the answer could apply to any instance, but I'm mostly referring to this one.

    Mind you, I don't have two accounts, but I'm considering it: one for memes, the other for serious discussion.

    But I'm unsure if that's considered bad form by most people, so I thought I'd ask.



    --- EDIT: Also, come to think of it, even if it were okay, would it even be possible to have to be logged into two separate accounts on the same instance at the same time with the same browser profile? :/


    Notification count doesn't display right away

    Lately, when I load up, the notification bell in the corner of the screen doesn't display a count typically until I load a post or comment.

    It's also only a recent thing.

    Any idea what might be causing it?

    Not sure what other details you might need, so just ask if you think of anything. :)


    "Show Context" isn't working?

    Howdy, y'all. :)

    So, within the last couple of days or so, I've been having this problem where if I click on the notification bell, then the chain icon next to a shown reply, then click "Show context" above the horizontal rule (see screenshot), it doesn't proceed to load the context. Rather, it just reloads the same page.

    The strange thing is this doesn't happen with every notification. Another notification I had was from here on the Blahaj Lemmy instance, and that worked fine. Maybe it's a thing to do with federation protocols? Anyway, I'm no expert. I just thought I'd ask. :)



    How to open a particular POST on a different instance?


    I'm extremely tired, so it very well could be that this is extremely simple and I'm just not getting it. However, what I would like to know is how to open a post from a community on one instance on another instance.

    For example, here's a recent post from [email protected]. I know that to open that community in the instance, I would merely type into the address bar[email protected]

    However, how would I open that particular post in that community on the latter instance? Is it even possible?




    I did do some searching on both this community as well as the Reddit Lemmy FAQ page but I didn't find anything. However, I could've missed something. If it's something obvious, I apologize in advance.

    --- Edit: Assuming I understand what people are saying, well, evidently, it seems to be a current limitation of the ActivityPub protocol. Perhaps that will change one day. Hopefully soon. ¯\\\(ツ)\


    Are there any good Blu-ray ripping software for Linux?

    I'm well aware that I can rip most Blu-rays with MakeMKV and then convert to mp4 with Handbrake; however, the former just rips everything raw from the disk so the file size is humongous and the conversion via Handbrake for just a single file is terribly long and puts a lot of strain on my computer.

    I've heard that EaseFab LosslessCopy is decent, but they only have a Windows and a Mac version, and I'm unsure how well it'd run under Wine.

    I am willing to pay for it, but only as long as it's not a subscription thing. Has to be a one-time payment.

    Does anyone know any decent Blu-ray ripping software that fits these conditions and run well on Linux? Specifically, it would be either Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. (I'm still using Windows because I want to figure out some software alternatives before I do so I'm not caught with my pants down, so to speak.)
