It absolutely won't. What we will get is a bunch of kids profiled and harassed by an administration that sees "Suspected School Shooter!!! ALERT!! ALERT!!" popping up based on vague suspicions and poorly conceived correlations.
The argument I saw one fascist use on a Facebook thread some years back was "If you were handed a bowl of M&Ms and you were told one of the brown ones was poisoned, how many would you leave in your bowl?" That's the logic behind these algorithmic surveillance programs. Just grab known data points and draw a line through them. And the data points they lean into - age, race, gender, zip code - are what the system can grab rather than what might conceivably inform you of a person's psychological state.
Why fix the actual socio-economic and political issues which lead to school shootings when you can pull a Big Brother with barely functional AI models!
I'm just hittin'em right outta the park, should've worked in Marketing!
Re the snippet: As a geeky gay guy coming to terms + coming out in the early 2000s, school faculty has always been void of trust, compassion, or safety. Hell, the majority of the motherfuckers I bumped into are vile pieces of bile and shit, that hate their lives and the poor decisions that brought them there, and will happily make an awful experience even worse, by any means possible, and do it with a smile on their face. 20+ years later, they just have more power to be even bigger shitstains.
At least all the fuckers that I encountered will all be dead soon - I will have a lot of graves to dance on.