I'm not sure I like it. The content is fine, but it's still pretty dense for a graphic. It all runs together and there is no place for the eye to "rest."
Maybe some more space between each "frame." If it's still too dense, you might want to try to separate each "frame" with a subtle background color. Maybe using two different shades of light gray.
An additional thing you can do is add a flag or chimney to the houses. The flag might have a pig, X, or fediverse symbol. This will make it more clear what is going on between the houses.
I'm sorry but nobody curious or skeptical about fediverse is going to read that. It's so complicated and so much text that it confirms their worst suspicions
I like it, but what I don't like is analogizing every site owner as monarchy. A lot of fediverse instances are run as non-profits (including ours) and there's also democratic experiments in instance control. I would prefer a different hat for fediverse, somehow :)
IMO it's too verbose. Infographics should be clear and concise with minimal text; this has so much text that the images don't really add any substance.
Maybe take the approach of showing very simple federation first, with as little text as possible (i.e. One short statement describing each graphic element), and perhaps only 3 "houses". Because in the end, anything beyond that is just duplicating the same thing (yea, there's more, but for an info graphic it really doesn't matter).
You have no choice but to lose accuracy. You can either present a high-level, abstract/conceptual view of something, or present more detail. Getting the concept across first is essential; no one's gonna grok any detail without the conceptual framework to hang it on.
Also, is that second house the same as the first house? It seems like you're showing the owner of the house using a second graphic. That kind of info would work better perhaps on the right side, so you have internet user on left, and house owner on right. It makes for two clearly separate concepts.
I'd also give the characters names. "House owner" is harder for someone to keep in their head than "Bob". Maybe internet user is Karen. Etc. "Karen uses Bob's server to chat with people" is a lot easier to think about than "internet user" and "owner".
A really good exercise is to try to make it as simple as possible while still getting the concept across, then adding detail.
TBH, instead of an infographic it feels like storytelling. It is an interesting read in the end. Loved how you dissed Franxx (but Zero Two forever). You could try to take a different approach from infographic and turn it into a comic maybe?
i find the concept of the infograpic having the complexity of a childrens picture book, but still being too complicated to be read through by redditors very saddening.
I know that I'm verbose, so I need to keep the amount of words in check. But at the same time, I'd rather restrict the target audience to clueless but smart users, who could understand the concept. I feel like trying to tailor the material to the "waah 2+ lines of text TL DR lollmao" crowds is a waste of time.
TBH, instead of an infographic it feels like storytelling. [...] You could try to take a different approach from infographic and turn it into a comic maybe?
You know what, that's a great idea! insufferableninja also mentioned that there's too much text for an infographic, but if I cut it out things get poorly explained. I can just reorganise some things here and there and boom, it's like a comic strip! (a 9001-koma?)
(I actually like DitF, as flawed as it is. That quote is some obvious troll I saw in 4chan - I like to include this sort of stuff so it doesn't get too serious.)