Just watched a part of Clinton's speech in post-war Slovenia (after separated from Yugoslavia) where he says that democracy and freedom must prevail around the world. Oh Billy...
He passed NAFTA which was the stake in the heart of the US union movement guaranteeing corporate fascism would ascend unchallenged. Citizens United only a few years later and it was over.
Reagan signed the original NAFTA agreement in 1988 (between Canada and America), then Bush worked on it a bit, then Clinton ratified the final agreement between America, Mexico and Canada 1994.
Melōni and Her crew attended the same far right neo fascist meetings as Polish neo fascists so I was afraid about her but since she took office even Donald Tusk said that she is a reliable partner so I get the impression that at least in Brussels couloirs she baheves reasonably. How does she look from within Italy? Did she take a turn to reason or is it just a theatre for outsiders?
See that makes a lot of sense on something like abortion, it really muddys the water and makes it seem more like a fake hit piece when you include things like US aid.