Free love and armed resistance? Ancap is leaking again.
1 0 Reply…Yes.
1 0 ReplyThis could work depending on who we're talking about.
6 0 Reply"Fuck free ice."
37 0 ReplyIt's headline grammar.
Fuck free ice, [and] them
2 0 Reply"Free Ice and Them" sounds like a band.
2 0 Reply
I don’t know who they are, but can I get the free ice they’re rejecting? (my space science assemblers aren’t getting enough ice)
5 0 ReplyThey're not rejecting free ice. They're trying to monopolize ice and are angry at socialist ice subsidies for keeping the price low enough for ice-dependent people to afford. If you need ice, contact your city's social services for a list of local ice services.
3 0 Reply
There's a picture of a dildo ice mould, but I don't want to try and search for it, and get put on a watchlist. But, just imagine it.
9 0 ReplyMakes good popsicles too
25 0 Reply
Sounds like a 1920's mobster wanting to get rid of those who stand in the way of free love.
"We're gonna fuck free; ice 'em, boys!"
3 0 Reply23 0 ReplyI forgot this movie existed.
5 0 ReplySequel is coming out later this year!
4 0 Reply
“Ice them!”
11 0 ReplyIce ICE, baby
5 0 Reply