Freed Palestinian prisoners recount to MEE how Israeli jailers ‘treated them like animals’ and ‘brutally tortured’ some to death
Israeli jailers would wrap Palestinian prisoners in shrouds and bury them alive.
As they began to suffocate, just before death took hold, a small amount of air was allowed in to keep them alive, only for the process to be repeated moments later.
Abukhater said the torture began the moment they were detained and continued until the very last moment before their release.
“Our hands and feet were shackled, and they struck us with frozen water bottles and bottles filled with olives,” he added.
“There, the soldiers urinated in a container and then poured it over our faces and bodies.”
It's too bad there aren't any historical lessons about the evils of perceiving one group of people as sub-human. Oh well, nothing to be done I suppose!
I’d say there is one thing at least (/s is noted btw):
Being a victim does not make you an advocate. You would think it does, it happens all the movies and TV shows, but it just doesn’t, not by default.
I’ve heard people say it could never be that bad, because they wouldn’t do what was done onto them.
I hope everyone learns it this time: identity does not define your morality. Trauma is not some magical sauce to a good moral compass, that’s just trying to draw a silver lining on a mass grave.
Trauma can actually cause inhuman behaviour. Eg. The bullied become the bullied. Paedophiles were often abused themselves. Gabor Mate (Jewish Holocaust survivor) is worth listening to on Zionists and especially the trauma aspect.
This is why the means to commit these atrocities should not exist. Evil will always exist no matter the framework or environment, good people can always be made to do bad things. You give the most oppressed and agrieved people the weapons, money, hierarchy and financial incentive to oppress and they will
That's why I feel it's so important to make a society that defaults to "morality" and limits the tools for harm without requiring utopian ideas of universal goodwill and altruism amongst all citizens to keep the system inherently good and altruistic
It takes a crazy amount of resources to set up a society be okay with torture, to shape media just right to allow apathy or ignorance, to wage wars and to gin up the support of these wars that require billions to wage.
This isn't 1940 nazi Germany and pretend you didn't know. Nor can the Israelis or massive amounts of "secular Jews" say they didn't know or didn't understand what they did, especially with the 70+ year concept of never again and "we are the eternal victim"
Whether it happens Tommorow or in 80 years. I will live my life to ensure the world doesn't forget what Israel and America have done, Noe will my kids or their kids. The sun has set on the Roman (American) empire and it's silly little colonial foothold will be dismantled. While Israel doesn't make me hate Jewish people, I'm stating to truly believes well over 50% of the entire people's faith are corrupted, brainwashed or straight evil.
But if the world started to hate Jews, who could literally blame them now? Israel has been the worst thing for antisemetism and has hijacked an ancient and mostly pacifist faith. All Israeli crimes are Jewish crimes, and all their genocides and crimes against humanity is specifically done in the name of the Jews.
Ironically all the shitty behaviour and false accusations of antisemitism is only causing actual antisemitism.
Just like how I consider Christianity a crappy religion as a whole because of the child abuse scandals etc. Funnily enough, people doing crappy things get judged for it, not just personally but the group they belong to, even if it's a religious group.
Antizionist jewish voices are being silenced by Western media. How many articles have you read about jewish people who are afraid of anti genocide protesters, and how many articles have you read about antizionist jewish people angry about the genocide? I can assure you that the proportion of antizionist jews is much bigger than what Western media would make you think. Their crimes and complicity will come to light at some point.
Agreed. My sense was there was a disproportionate Jewish presence at Palestinian liberation protests I attended.
Hating entire groups of people based on assumptions that they are all the same is always ignorant and wrong. People just need to remind themselves of this no matter how “right” it might feel in a particular instance.
Mostly pacifist faith?! My friend, the abramic religions, with the exception of a few small cults within them, have been warrior religions, from inception. Jesus maybe tried to change that but even warned his teachings would turn brother against brother.
My friend I think you are uneducated or over confident in your knowledge of Abrahamic faiths. Let me start with Judaism. How is it a warrior religion when (atleast original Judaism) until 20th century was a peaceful religion. Ironically of what you said, Christianity is the least connected to a real person or a real idea. The religion was pseudo dead for 300 years after jesus died until the Romans appropriated it and turned into an imperial religion.