Sorry, I'm out of fucks to give for these people. They didn't want to vaccinate, and now the chickens have come home to roost. You made the world a more dangerous place for everybody, do not expect a single ounce of pity.
Unfortunately vaccines are not 100% effective. There will always be a percentage of the population that vaccines do not work for. Mass distribution of vaccines solves this problem by putting a whole lot of immune people between the ones that can always be infected. These dumbasses will be the reason a vaccinated kid dies, and then they'll say "see vaccines don't work!" And more people will believe them and more will die. Stupidity is dangerous. Stupidity gets people killed.
Depends on when you got it. They are worried about people who got it in the late 60s to early 90s, since I think they were doing a one dose vaccine then. MMR since then is a double dose and lasts for life. If you're 35+ you should check with a doctor to see if you need a booster.
They need to fuck off and deal with the virus with their #masterrace genetics.
Make your bed, lay in it.
You don't get to run to vaccines after you advocated for the dismantling of public health in this country. Let the virus destroy your worthless ass for being so stupid.
Allowing people to get measles puts the general population at risk in addition to the asshole parents (and sadly their kids). The vaccine has something like a 97% immunity effectiveness after 2 doses (so less than that for only the 1st), but that means 3% of people that did the right thing could still contract and spread measles without hurd immunity.
You don't have to assume the worst and jump to the most hateful conclusion.
A lot of people in my age group are getting boosters because there was a period (maybe 1967-71 or something like that) when some people got one instead of two shots and there were two different vaccines used, one that was more effective than the other.
The first vaccine from 57-67 wasn't as effective and needs boosters. The second vaccine from 67-~78 was one shot and should've been 2. So there's 20 years of people just finding out how they need boosters.