The wholly fucked up thing is that yes I did forget that is why he was impeached the first time. He's committed so many crimes how the fuck could I keep track though?
Really awesome and solid site, sources and break downs. Definitely bookmarking to share with everyone. Also ironically hilarious and sad at the same time like a real "The Onion"
poll/ 10% of voters believe Democrats have a solid plan to counter Trump. 40% say the party has no strategy at all. (Politico)
That's actually really fucking frightening. It's how I feel, but this freaks me out to no end if the general populace consensus just has absolutely no faith in the DNC now. I guess I was hoping for a party revolution that would pull people like me who are disillusioned back into the fold. You can't go near silent and have everyone completely lose faith in the organization then pull a DNC 2.0 uno-reverse card later and expect it to work. The officers need to be seen in the trenches during this low point to boost moral- so to speak.
Hey now, the SCROTUS said the president shouldn't be held responsible for crimes he commits during his presidency! You should totally forget and ignore those non-crimes he committed 2016-2020!
I remember he did this. Couldn't tell you for certain if this was why he was impeached in part because there's so much shit as you say, but mostly because apparently impeachement means absolutely nothing.
laws are just excuses for the men with guns. there's plenty of social cohesion and harmony you can have without men with guns, but if you want laws to be actual things, you need to keep up on the men with guns thing. the democratic party will never deploy them against other elites. liberalism, a law based form of social cohesion, will not save you when someone it will not target decides to not obey the laws that were designed to benefit it.