I have a collection of small cardboard boxes, like they are perfect for small gifts. I've only ever used 3, but I still collect them because they have potential
I never realized just how many jars I have until they get consolidated during a move. I use them for everything too, and any time I run low because they're all in use somewhere I acquire more. I have so many x.x
Liquid soap batter. Due to allergies, I make my own soap and it makes a good amount. So I just store it in my jars until I need to make more. Then throw a weighted amount and 4x water in a different jar and simmer in boiling water until my soap is ready and can be scented.
I keep my jars on a shelf right next to the drawer for stuff, you know, the drawer for rubber bands, shoelaces, scotch tape, meat skewers and other such treasures that I'm sure I'll desperately need one day.
This is why my roommate hates me. I keep every jar I use, hoard plastic jugs because I think I’ll eventually recycle them, and keep shipping boxes under my bed.