Today I learned that Wernher von Braun (of Nazi Rocket Scientist infamy) wrote a sci-fi novel about Mars colonisation. In 1971 a South African racist named his son after the book's
@todayilearned Today I learned that Wernher von Braun (of Nazi Rocket Scientist infamy) wrote a sci-fi novel about Mars colonisation. In 1971 a South African racist named his son after the book's Martian Leader: Elon
To be sure, Von Braun definitely was the director of the nazi rocket program. After the war however he was transferred to the US where he became the director of the US rocket program.
There were quite a few. The Russians also moved quite a few. Both governments were so obsessed with each other they forgot about war crimes. A significant number of space pioneers across the world had direct ties to human experimentation. Shit’s fucked up.
A literal Space Nazi writes a book in which the ruler of Mars (albeit democratically elected) is called "Elon", after whom Errol Musk's next loin turd is named, and said loin turd is obsessed with Mars. And being a Nazi.