CO2g per KWh is the standard metric for "how much a countries electricity pollutes".
Tldr China's is 580 and improving. USA is 370 and improving at a similar rate (this obviously might change under the current administration).
Others worth pointing too is Sweden (40gCO2) which is a good marker of what's possible for a wealthy country and India (700gCO2) because as a country with a lot of economic development and recent historic poverty, it shows why China's improvement is worth noting.
EDIT: I probabably implied that China and USA should be compared in terms of their improvements, but didn't mean too! I figure Lemmy is a mostly USA centric place, so thought that was a good benchmark. Comparing USA to similar wealthy, established enconomies like European countries, it's improving a lot slower. Comparing China to fast developing countries like India or Nigeria (probably a messy comparison) shows its improving faster than you'd expect.
The right wing Americans and Europeans have made their place on Lemmy. Anything china does it's important they scream uguyrs or communism bad like that's some sort of gotcha from children of (and sometimes literally active) colonisers
I used to tell people the proper response to this stuff would be for western industries to do the free enterprise thing and compete in this market. But the rebuttals always just devolved into prejudiced xenophobia instead of any genuine opinion or belief in green energy, infrastructure, or patriotism.
No country is perfect and China is far away from it - but so are a bunch of other countries who call China out. Industrial nations have had more than 30 years to put out good numbers for green energy. Nuclear, wind, and hydro have been around for a long time. However those nations instead stayed at the top of the polluters and emitters lists - and they are still there.
Their panels will blot out the sun. Their hydro-electric dams shall dry up the seas. Their wind turbines will choke them of air. Even the ground beneath their very feet aren't safe, as the geothermal power plants will freeze the land below them. Taiwan will be begging for them to switch back to coal by the time China is done with them.
Blockading the Malacca Strait isn't a worry for China when domestic production and Russian inports fill the gap.All of this green energy helps tremendoualy for keeping the country ticking along during a time of war.
Energy security for China is the real benefit here, it'a nothing to do with being environmental.
I’m sure capitalists will put the needs of the people first any day now. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence the communists are blowing past everyone else in renewables, and general quality of life.