Companies that get federal grants or loans usually sign a legally binding agreement and depend on getting reimbursed. The new administration has upended that expectation.
No. There's a reason that I've avoided the public sector. It's not that I don't think that it's a necessary post of society that has the capability to greatly improve the human condition. No. It's that the people in charge have been consistently moving to the Right in my lifetime, as they give less and less of a shit about the people that they're supposed to represent than billionaires' bribes.
This is just Murdoch playing both sides; his other rags are promoting how ‘awesome’ Trump is at everything.
Not sure if it’s just a class divide he’s going for, a further shakeup of the stock market, or priming the MAGA morons to see educated people as the enemy for saying Trump is bad, or a combo of all of it.
Lol you know how they say, "The answer is 'No' anytime there's a question in a headline?" That but also, maybe don't ask a question everyone already knows the answer to.