The Google simps are inflicting Trumpiness on the rest of the world too
This is the map of the Gulf of Mexico as seen from outside the US on Google Maps.
Google said it would foist the Gulf of America idiocy only on its US users, but apparently the temptation to flatter His Orangeness was too much, so the rest of the world gets to enjoy it too.
I figured I'd rename it too. I mean why not after all: it seems any idiot can make up geography now.
After getting the permission to name the Gulf of Mexico "Gulf of America", like for a football stadion, the name can be sold to the highest bidder, to be named, e.g. Gulf of Pepsi Co, Gulf of Exxon,...
This money surely will be used to decrease the egg price. /s
Now is a better time than ever to stop relying on US-based companies if they're so beholden to fascists. Any suggestions for alternative map/gps services?
OpenStreetMap is the "Wikipedia of maps", which provides free user-created map data. There are many navigation apps which use OSM data. Organic Maps is one that is often recommended.
They've always done that for other contested regions of the world (e.g. sea of Japan/Korea, West Bank/Judea and Samaria, East Turkestan/Xinjiang).
They don't want to rile up potential personal gps data cash cows satisfied users.
The thing is like 90% in international waters, who cares if a government renames it the gulf of the the clown car for instance?
I hope there's an international body of geograph somewhere that brings reason to these matters.
Trump is gaming you guys again is what’s happening. Of all the shit he’s pulled this month, this Google name change seems to be what’s getting people worked up and posting? That in itself is sad, but the point is he’s distracting you guys with this gulf name shit
Believe it or not, it's possible to be worked up by more than one thing.
Google going along with this stupid thing is a symptom of something far graver than the name of a body of water: it's a manifestation of extreme sycophancy with an unacceptable president in the name of business favors.
Google complying with local laws isn't anything new. They've been complying with China's social media and search filtering for decades now, this isn't new behavior for them.
This is a nonsense distraction. Arguing that 'people can get worked up by more than one thing' doesn't fit with the current media strategy of 'flooding the zone'. People only have so much attention to give and by creating all of these pointless distraction, the people in charge keep people from being able to agree for focus on key issues.