Organic food is literally designed for you to eat. Processed food turns your body into crap which will degrade into the ground sooner rather than later.
I'm not a religious or health nut (although they are delicious) .... my point is that the fewer steps your food has to take to get to you eating it is way better than most things you buy in a box/can/plastic container.
Most "organic" food you can buy is entirely man-made, and never came into existence naturally. I would almost argue that 10,000 years of farming and cultivation has been humans processing nature itself for our benefit.
So if regular produce is processed food, where does that leave ultra-processed food? Should it be called ultra-mega-processed food for the sake of accuracy? Perhaps processed³ food?
It's all just processed one way or another. The distinction only exists because people can't be bothered figuring out what a list of ingredients means. If I were to write down what makes a tomato, without specifically saying I'm talking about a simple, normal tomato, there'd be several people decrying the use of "all these chemicals".
Really now? Should I go down the list of all the cultivars humans have created out of wild mustard? Or perhaps all the kinds of apple that exist now? Or I could also simply mention the banana. Just the banana alone.
As far as evidence goes, this is not particularly compelling. It's a bit like when someone has an anecdote of their chain-smoking 90-year old grandmother - yes, outliers exist, but at a population-level, both smoking and eating ultra-processed foods is not a good idea.