I'm Arkhive (they/she), one of your new mods and I've just got a sort of update from the mod team.
We, the mods of Onehundredninetysix (hereby referred to as OneNineSix for my own sanity), would like to introduce ourselves. The members of the mod team that are interested will post a comment below this post and hopefully mingle a bit. Something that has come up in our discussions is a general interest in owning our actions, even in online spaces. That means putting people behind the names you see in the sidebar.
As the OneNineSix community coalesces, things have been quite good from our end. While we could be quicker at processing reports, a lot of that stems from us discussing choices as a group before making final decisions...and probably a bit more fear to use our power than is good for us, but time I'm sure will fix that proceeds to power trip. We are absolutely not infallible, and we also strive to admit wrong when necessary and work to rectify it. There is a degree of patience that necessarily extends both directions between mods and users, and in the end we are all users of the same space. We will work to be good stewards of this space for all those being good stewards with us.
And so! This thread. If this idea goes over poorly, please take it out in the replies to my comment, and we will assess and hopefully the other mods will dive in on the discussion too. We have also floated the idea of an irregularly occurring, semi-regular, mod chat thread. My pitch is for "Modly Mondays" but its still an idea in its infancy and feedback is welcome;)
Thank you for your time, thank you for the memes (the cat included), and I'll remove see you from in the comments.
TL;DR I'm Arkhive (they/she), I'm a mod, there's more of us (surprise!), and we'd like to introduce ourselves in the comments.
Side note: I realize this is being posted on a day there are protests happening across the US and presumably throughout the world. While this is not an explicitly US comm, I want to remind people to stay safe. Know your rights, know the ACLU phone number, have an exit plan, go as a group, and don't talk to cops. We keep us safe.
I go by Arkhive and I use they/she pronouns. I'm non-binary trans, but I lean femme. I am a bit of your cliche techy, linux installing, trans girl, and I'm entirely okay with that. I do a bit of writing on many topics, but lately the buzzwords "techno-anarchism", "solarpunk", "trans-humanism" and "urbanism" have been ricocheting around my mind, but that's a bit too hand wavy for this post.
For no reason other than I maybe have your attention I'm going to suggest the books:
Parable of the Sower, by Octavia E. Butler
Glitch Feminism, by Legacy Russell
The Free People's Village, by Sim Kern
And I would happily discuss them with anyone.
Feel free to ask me about moderation, or really anything. I've got a lot of interests and will happily gush about any of them. I have some formal visual arts education, so constructive critique is something I'm very used to and welcome. Finally, I'm a self proclaimed archivist, which is part of the reason I wanted to make this post happen, creating a bit of a paper trail of us mods, and offer a space to field questions, comments, and concerns.
Hi from a lemmy.zip user. Most of everything here and on blahaj as a whole is irrelevant to me because I am boring. But I do have friends and family that it is very relevant to. The memes alone are top class. Love to see it.
I think some more of your personal ethos deserve more spotlight:
I guess I’ll add a strong affinity for privacy, opt-in centric policy, self governance, and mutual accountability, as core tenants of digital communities. Especially in leadership roles I want to hear from my members, and create systems that work for them, not work the way I maybe envision them.
I’m “for” it, in the sense I think we have effectively halted our evolution as it is driven by nature. Now we have the choice to evolve ourselves, and that takes many forms. Gender affirming care, to me, counts as the application of technology to better my life/cognition/function. It is me evolving myself. Which does clash a bit against my environmentalist streak, but yeah. Technology as a way to continue the evolution we have otherwise stopped.
If I really boiled it down, I just want the chip from my transit card embedded in the palm of my hand lol
I know a few of these and will be checking out the rest.
I'm TotallynotJessica (she/her), and I swear my name isn't Jessica! >~<
I kinda kick started this comm with a post some may remember on femcelmemes, where I'm the community mom. I mentioned there that I really wanted to help mod a new comm, but I didn't want to spearhead it. It takes a lot of work from all of us, and I knew I couldn't do it alone. Thankfully, all the other mods share my enthusiasm for making this shitposting home welcoming and supportive for queer people and allies. We are all dedicated to having you involved in how we run things and using our power fairly proceeds to power trip
I hope to provide the emotional support, so feel free to dm me if you have anything that's bothering you. I'll try to reply as quickly as I can (which could be a day or two sometimes, so message others if I don't give a response)
As far as who I am, I'm a transpoc woman from America who represents everything the right hates and fears. I dislike all imperialists, especially the tankie and liberal varieties, and will not tolerate people who defend the undefendable from their own team. No identity can make you a good person, so be good to one another <3
I kinda kick started this comm with a post some may remember on femcelmemes
actually I think SoleInvictus didnt even see that post which is kinda funny X3 so I made that post saying people had been talking in ur post about making a new comm and mentioned the people that offered to moderate it :3
Yeah, I just saw the big 196 post, thought to myself "fuck that shit, I'll make a backup comm just in case this goes badly", and now here we are.
You helped me out with excellent mod suggestions thanks to that other post (which I still need to find, for posterity). I expected this to be a dusty, unused little comm that lost people would aneurysm post in like once or twice a year, so I really needed the help when I was proven very wrong.
im a trans disaster lesbian, anarchist, a bard (i play the banjo), im a huge nerd, privacy and foss enthusiast (i use arch btw), and very autistic/adhd~ :3c
im mostly just here to powertrip and abuse my mod powers post memes and be cute <3 id love to answer any questions about our community if i can, or just talk about cool things with cool people, maybe you can info dump about your special interests for me?:33
its cool that you play banjo, never met a banjo player before! what's your favorite thing to play on it? also what is a disaster lesbian?
if you want a lil adhd special interest info dump ive been hooked on a new videogame called motor town ive played 20+ hours in a week. its essentially a simcade driving game where you can run around freely in an open world and do almost any car related job you can think of, like garbage collection, tow & rescue, logging, taxi service, get away driver, delivering presents for Santa, racecar driver, limo service, off road hauling, etc. thats all awesome on it's own, but where the game really takes off is when you realize almost every job you do is connected to another job and effects the city/world in some way. like maybe you start out delivering pizzas but over time you realize there aren't as many pizzas to deliver from the shop and theyre paying less, so you need to rent a truck to deliver cheese & meat to the pizza shop so they can make more & higher quality pizzas, but in order to do that you need to deliver milk to the ranch so they can turn it into cheese, but you can't deliver milk without pallets so you need to start a logging company and deliver wood from the lumbermill to the warehouse, all so you can make more money on pizzas. And thats just one supply chain out of many that you can choose to optimize or ignore and let NPC's handle. or you can be like me and just spend 18 hours mindlessly doing towtruck rescues in the starter towtruck while talking with friends or consuming other media, the choice is yours and beyond a set of simple tutorial missions the game really doesnt hold your hand. ive spent the past week since my initial ~20-hours-of-gaming-week learning about proxmox, homelab, vpns, and vps so I can host my own lil motor town server for me and my friends, but I think thats a special interest info dump for another day. hope you liked my wall of text!
there arent many of us banjo players, but i find it to be wonderful! i dont exactly have a favorite thing to play, i just love to make melodies with lots of notes, things going on all over the place if i can lol.
as for the disaster lesbian part, well im a lesbian and my life is a disaster. are these things related? i cant be sure. but it sure is funny to put it that way :3
Haiiii I forgot we were doing the intros thing and havent prepared one and Im half awake >v< but uhhh Im Mia and Im a transgirl and a demon >:3 Ive been around 196 under different names (cuz of a combination of transitioning and plurality :3) since it started getting popular on Reddit and when it closed in protest to the Reddit bullshittery (temporarily XP) and I saw this place I thought it was super cool and I was right :3💖 Im pretty sure I had checked out lemmy along with raddle long before that but didnt like either at the time
btw I saw NotJessica say she likes being the emotional support and thats also so my thing so yeh I second what she said if I can help with anything :3
o also I made the 196 matrix space if u havent seen the pinned post so if u want some nerdy queers to talk with go check it out! :3
I also checked out raddle and I liked thier queer space but I kept seeing people say it was full of fascists or something? idk I kinda stopped keeping track of it when I discovered Lemmy around the time of the first reddit migration. did you ever go back to it? I'd love to hear that it was just propaganda and that actually raddle is just full of cool gay people now
no idea >v< I heard it was full of anarchists which seemed cool but I dont remember y I didnt like raddle, maybe just cuz it wasnt active enough and I think it was mostly politics and I was looking for a more silly place
Hi! I'm SoleInvictus (he/him), also one of the new mods. I'm ND and genderfluid, but tend to lean toward "male" more. It's like a 60/40 mix, though that can change. I also have a disability, a relatively common "rare" disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Ask me about my joint mobility!
I'm currently living in the freshest of dumpster fires, the United States, and am looking to GTFO, so hopefully that'll change soonish. My hobbies include hanging with my dog and cat children (two and four of each, respectively), cooking and baking, endless physical therapy (EDS4LYFE yo), some gaming, reading, and naps (goddammit, EDS again!).
I've worked as a microbiologist in research and public health but have done some time in private industry in related fields. If anyone ever needs help making sense of research papers, feel free to hit me up.
I have modding experience (and the accompanying PTSD) from Reddit, but this comm has been a breath of fresh air. Truly, I love you all SO much.
I'm pretty open about anything, so feel free to ask any questions!
what's joint mobility? also as a fellow american what kinds of places have you been looking at moving to to escape this hellhole? I'm not part of any groups the current administration is trying to genocide, but my wife's an immigrant and I'm constantly anxious about things taking a turn and getting much worse very fast. I'm just scared a lot of places i wouldve been excited to move to 4-8 years ago are either out of reach or slowly following in the US's footsteps (or both) so I'd love to learn about the options youve been considering if thats not too personal!
Not too personal at all. My partner and I are actually narrowing down a list tonight, so I'll get back with you about that. Right now, it includes some silly places, like Tuvalu, which probably aren't very helpful and would make me look like a maniac if I put them out as serious suggestions.
Joint mobility refers to joint range of motion. People with EDS are those "stretchy people" whose joints just keep going and going instead of stopping like regular people.
Hello! I'm Linda, I'm neurospicy, some kind of pan and asexual maybe, and I use she/her!
I'm a board game enthusiast and I love TTRPGs (I'm in a couple of different games, DM a couple of games, and I'm writing a couple of rulesets) and I'm big into hobby programming (I make games that I never finish in rust).
Politically I'm not quite an anarchist, but I believe it's an ideal that should be approximated as much as possible, and believe that achieving some other kind of socialism first is probably gonna be the first step anyways after unionizing more.
I moderate some of the rooms in the genderverse matrix which you should all check out btw! It's an active mostly trans and quite chill community. There's also a DIY room there for those of you looking to get into that.
Love you all, stay safe, and may your shitposts be numerous and plenty!
Edit: Oh yeah! I wrote the first draft for the current rules and mod guidelines. We have talked about making the rules way shorter/simpler (mostly me maybe :P), but I will be happy to answer any questions you have about da rules.
how did you get started in rust? I learned c++ for my job and got a little python in during college and since then ive started and abandoned a dozen little projects too lol but rust just seems intimidating to me idk why
So I started out with teaching myself game maker stuff when I was a kid, but during high school I figured it would be neat to maybe learn some "real" programming in case it would help me with uni or work stuff, so I started doing some c++ stuff (making my own gam engine). At some point my older brother suggested to me that I learn rust because it was the hot new thing and he was sure it was gonna blow up, and so during uni I switched my big make a game engine from scratch project from using c++ to using rust!
So I'm a messy self-taught programmer, and also please never make your own game engine unless you find the exercise interesting on its own or really need something premade engines can't deliver :P
I mostly just used this and then worked on my project on and off for a long time and learning new features as I needed them, which also means there's a bunch of features I haven't touched yet.
Edit: for me with my ADHD having a project I really wanted to complete was really the only way which is why I settled on making a game engine. I first made a tiny little text based game however, as a test. You gotta figure out a way to game yourself into learning rust basically
Hey All! I'm rockSlayer, he/they pronouns. I'm a union organizer and activist, ace, and autistic. I love posting memes that I found in the garbage old group chats and laughing with the gay people in my phone
Hey there folks, I'm Cornflake :)
Most people call me Flake, but I never get tired of hearing creative nicknames so gimme all you've got!
I'm mostly a music nerd- I've got a pretty sizeable music collection, a B.S. in audio production, a B.A. of arts in jazz, and I play the saxophone! 🎷
Some of my favorite music artists include: Electric Light Orchestra, Tally Hall, Dave Brubeck, That Handsome Devil, Will Wood, Billy Joel, and if I keep listing more I might just figure out the Lemmy character limit xD
I'm happy to chat with you about just about anything, so feel free to HMU, always excited to meet new people ^^
I saw you mentioned tally hall, have you been down the miracle musical / Hawaii: Part II rabbit hole? its one of my special interests lately, thinking about it really scratches my brain in just the right spot
Of course, Hawaii: Part II is actually how I first encountered that group a number of years ago. If you really enjoy it, it's also worth checking out some of the stuff that has come out of the solo careers of Rob Cantor and Joe Hawley. Rob Cantor has an album called NOT A TRAMPOLINE, and Joe Hawley has really carried the Tally Hall/Miracle Musical torch with the album Joe Hawley Joe Hawley. The Joe Hawley Joe Hawley album does feature all of the musicians in Tally Hall on some of its songs, which is awesome! Hawley also has a couple singles that are really great- "Since I Don't Have You" and "Weird Bed &/or Yes Please."
Hope these recommendations can help you keep on scratching your brain!
This is a really cool idea, looking forward to getting to know the mods!
Also feel a little obligated to reciprocate lol (E: and a little embarrassed now that I realise I'm literally the only non-mod who did so I'm deleting my little introduction, ignore me 😬)