I've gone handwritten, obsidian, onenote, and now Trilium. Considering switching to something else because there is no offline mobile support.
I use memos and trilium together but since neither offers mobile offline support considering switching both. No reason to run two services when I could run one.
I've been using this, as well. They default to hosting your "vault." It does peer-to-peer syncing, if you don't want to have a server involved at all. I'm running their self-hosted server, but that's only after I decided that AnyType was what I was looking for. I really like that it's object based, so you can create templates for things like meetings that are their own type, separate from a bog-standard page.
A little rough, to be honest. It's a docker-compose deployment, but it requires you to run make to deploy it. The makefile does extra configuration and such to allow the containers to come up healthy. It works, but it's overcomplicated and styled after their own deployments, so probably way more compute than what is needed for one household.
Oh and because of this protracted topology, it's tough to hide behind a reverse proxy.