The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers just opened up two California dams. A spokesperson says the flows are 'controlled' and being coordinated with local officials.
My thoughts exactly. Releasing water before the growing season begins makes zero sense. They said it wasn’t to make capacity for an upcoming storm either so just pure dumbassery all around.
I mean there will be more water down stream for a few days and then absolutely none until they close the dam and let it build back up over a few years...
Good thing he can’t be punished for anything he does. Good thing the US citizens are just gonna let him do whatever he wants. Good thing he doesn’t have to involve the state government to enact whatever crazy ideas he has. Good thing blue states won’t be able to protect their residents, like they say they will. Good thing all these leaders have direct access to him, yet none of them will do what’s necessary to stop him.
This shit is gonna spread across the globe, and the only people who will suffer is average person.
I'm not even American and my hours got cut the last time he was elected because tariffs nearly killed the company I worked for. I wish one of those old as fuck politicians in his orbit would use what little time they have left to end this bastard.
So we can all understand what is happening, I mapped it out. The dams empty into Tulare Lake. The fires are in LA and contained. The article notes that there has been no plan released to transport the water from Tulare Lake to the fires (that are contained and have sufficient water). Historians will laugh at how stupid this is.
Indianapolis: After weeks of efforts, we have contained the fire and have things under control.
Trump: I got this. Force Chicago to have more water!! Done 👌
What a complete and utter moron. He's just wasting water to try and make some kind of political point.
“I don’t know where this water is going, but this is the wrong time of year to be releasing water from these reservoirs. It’s vitally important that we fill our reservoirs in the rainy season so water is available for farms and cities later in the summer,” Gleick said.
“This is going to hurt farmers,” Vink said. “This takes water out of their summer irrigation portfolio.”
I guess we won't need those migrant workers to pick crops if the farmers can't grow them in the first place. What a stable genius.
Going after the very most important state first, too, it seems. California is easily the state that matters the very most. It's really our crown jewel if we are to be honest.
Extra crazy points racked up for the stupid base because they tend to be very jealous of California if they live in a shithole red state.
LOL! It's President Felon, he is for sale from anyone with cash. He sells NFTs, steaks, gold shoes, bankrupts casinos and cheats on his taxes. Saudia Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Russia, etc., are paying him.
Are there any federal officials left with any integrity? Like everyone is just doing any damn thing this fuckhead wants. Are those dams even federal property?
Why are federal shitbags allowed to tamper with state dams? Isn't their whole thing about "states' rights?" No, wait, that was actually about owning people. My bad.
No no no, States Rights was never about owning people.
The CSA constitution outright said states couldn't make laws stopping people from owning people.
States Rights came up post LBJ with the Republican Southern Strategy to tell all the former dixiecrats 'You should vote for us because the national government took away your states rights to legally be racist shitbags'
I actually have no problem with dams being controlled as federal resources by the Army Corps or Engineers. Rarely does a waterway or its water table effects start and end in one state. My problem is that we have evil dipshits at the helm.
So glad we have absolute chaos and complete disregard for rule of law or common sense under donvict.
Big shout-out to the self-righteous holier-than-thou fools that not only threw away their vote, or sat out, but openly lobbied others to do so as well, because obviously Kamala would have been just as bad.
Given your concern about third-party voters, surely you're working toward replacing the First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) system in your state. The election is over, and now is the time for the necessary changes. With a more representative voting system, people could vote outside of the two-party system, knowing their votes would still be counted against the Republicans if their preferred candidate didn’t win. States control their own voting systems, so we don’t need a miracle from Congress. We can change how we vote and allow third parties without worrying about a spoiler effect. Some states have already made this important reform.
For example, Alaska recently held a referendum on whether to return to FPTP from Ranked Choice Voting, and it didn’t pass. Republicans were upset when Sarah Palin lost to a more moderate conservative under Ranked Choice Voting and tried to eliminate it. Democracy shouldn’t be about "vote for my choice, or else." That’s a hostage situation and should be recognized as a crisis. The American people aren’t truly represented by the limited options in the voting booth. This is a crisis!
Yet, the Democratic Party hasn’t abolished FPTP in many of the blue states they control. They prefer safe states and easy elections, avoiding tough questions—even if it means giving Republicans an advantage. Democrats have lost their "only ones resisting Republicans" narrative. They should have lost that privilege long ago, but we kept giving them chances. No more chances, no more safe states or seats. If Democrats truly believed what they say about Republicans, they’d welcome everyone into the electoral process to help defeat them.
The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party.
Given your concern about third-party voters, surely you’re working toward replacing the First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) system in your state. The election is over, and now is the time for the necessary changes.
They won't, they wanna punch left and act like the ones with a black eye are to blame.
Yet, the Democratic Party hasn’t abolished FPTP in many of the blue states they control. They prefer safe states and easy elections, avoiding tough questions—even if it means giving Republicans an advantage. Democrats have lost their “only ones resisting Republicans” narrative.
What I'm finding weird about this wave of Trumpisms is how Californians are apparently content being abused by Trump like that. I mean you're the biggest economy in the Union so act like it.
I mean not that they accomplish anything on their own, but I'd expect protests at least. Not just vague anti-Trump protests, but ones with concrete goals like "stop withholding our FEMA money". If that doesn't work then put pressure on state officials to stand up to Trump's abuse of your state, or maybe go on strike, there are a lot of things you can do to make the federal government stop treating you like a punching bag. What I'm finding strange is that nobody is doing anything at all, or at least anything that's making the news.
Trump, meanwhile, shared a photo on X of water pouring from a dam, saying: “Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California.”
“Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory!,” Trump wrote. “I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!”
I suspect he's thinking that releasing more water would keep everything lush and green.