I'm not certain this film should be made, but if it's going to happen hopefully it can include Mark Hamill and we can get closure on what Luke tried and how Rey can learn from it.
Luke earned the chance to try and rebuild the Jedi, it's only fair that he at least gets a chance to redeem his failure.
Do we have to keep rehashing the Jedi/Sith duopoly? I was sorely disappointed with the missed opportunity to have Ben and Rey travel the galaxy preaching a new dogma; “the Force belongs to everyone”.
I used to think the same about Lindelof, but I like The Hunt (2020), and things like Watchmen and The Leftovers have been critically praised. I decided that I'd unfairly lumped him in with JJ Abrams and his gang. As with Knight though, whatever you think of his stuff, he's an experienced writer, and both of them nope-ing out of whatever it is that Disney wants doesn't auger well.
"Damon Lindelof (Watchmen, Lost) and Justin Britt-Gibson [were the initial writers] on the project, working on it before Obaid-Chinoy..." Jesus h Christ...