What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that's how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
lol, that backronym is a bit of a stretch. Saying “I have a photic sneeze reflex” explains what I have. Saying “I have Autosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst” makes me sound I’m having a stroke and saying “I have ACHOO” makes me sound stupid 😅
I thought this happened for everyone? Like, if you have to sneeze, looking at a bright light, everyone I know tries that to make them sneeze. I thought it was normal.
I have that too, but it requires a much higher intensity than just going out in the sun.
i.e. I need to have slept for a while in the dark and then come out and stare at the Sun to get the ACHOO.
Also, I once looked straight at a solar eclipse (don't tell my mother :P) for a few seconds and my eyes were still better than most other people for many years.