Will the Courts Enforce the Constitution Against President Trump? If they don’t, the checks and balances that have defined our government since its inception will give way to authoritarian rule
No, because as i understand it, you can change the meaning of words without directly challenging the constitution, and get what ever result you want. Like changing the definition of enemy combatant to mean any immigrant. Now retroactively you can pick or choose who is a REAL citizen.
It's worse than that. The Supreme Court can use any kind of specious logic they want to interpret the Constitution, or no logic at all (as they've done recently). And the only remedy within the system is impeachment of the "justices."
And what that means is that the law is whatever they say it is, unless and until they are held accountable.
They ruled that one time that states can't unilaterally overrule the will of the people. That was nice. But that's how low the bar is, people weren't sure if they would completely override democracy (yet).
Only did that because they're terrified Newsom would start forcing leftie bullshit on Californians or whatever, needed to cover their asses until they got more xontrol