Regarding your Peter Griffin meme: Us Swiss and our Austrian neighbors are pretty white on average, but even beyond that, the Czech, the Polish, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians are very white on average.
"The worldwide interest in accelerated computing for everyday applications is a tremendous opportunity for the US to cultivate, promoting the economy and adding US jobs imperialism."
I'm not sure I get that part. Movement of goods within the EU is tax free, so why wouldn't another country just import it, and move it to, say, Portugal?
Meh. CTU means stuff comes into e.g. Rotterdam and then easily wherever it needs to go from there, and complaining about "evading sanctions" seems to me like an exercise in futility.
Geopolitics. Whoever isn't on board with USA (or is suspected not to be) is getting sanctions. Austria and Swiss are neutral (on paper), that's not really going to fly with "you're with us or you're against us" attitude of the US.
That's French guiana which is part of France. Not even some weird colonial situation like Puerto Rico, it's a full department (province) with all the rights of mainland French departments.