My theory: since all the big tech companies seem to be making "donations" and bending over backwards to do favours for Trump before he's even in power, I suspect it's going to eventually come out that he's been selling exemptions to tariffs for companies who bend the knee.
Those companies will then only raise their prices by 50% instead of the 65% their competitors will have to do, and they'll try to play it off as altruism.
He's likely completed his Hawaiian bunker fortress and, like a cop with a cold gun on his hip, reminding him everyday that he isn't using it, he wants to start some shit so he can (he hopes) feel something. Similar to how the Christians want the end of the world, because their lives are empty and they want to see if they were right about the existence of a god. They'd end us all in a moment to satisfy their own selfish impulses
WOW. He just wears the uniform and marches to the beat because he might be persecuted otherwise. It’s totally different, even though it’s only noticeable if you can literally read his mind. Next you’ll say those nine people sitting at a table with a nazi are nazis.
Wealthy, insulated fashys think they have no use for the truth. That it's just an expense. And the people at large have not stepped up to correct them.
It's so wild to me that all of these gun nuts cannot help but throwing out the point that it's to combat tyranny for any argument ever, and then when they finally see tyranny, they're literally buying fucking merch to further propagate it.
You could write this into a movie or TV show, and it would be poorly reviewed for not being realistic.
I think most of us could have predicted this decades and decades ago, though. Many are some of the same dinguses that fly the loser flag of traitors, after all.
Let's be honest. It's not that Mark is a facist or whatever. It's because the change is good for him personally, and he just doesn't care about others.
As for why it is good for him... workers in texas are cheaper, and most of the people currently on the team in Cali will quit rather than move.
For real. Dude gave that presser with the outline of sun glasses tanned onto his face I assume from spending his riches in a summer house with a lot of sun.
Let's make the analysts wrong and boycott Meta products. Quit Facebook, Instagram and Threads.
There's a common saying; If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table. The people at Meta are like the 9 people, they pretend to act ignorant but they know exactly what they are doing. They care more about profits than they care about the country so we must make it so they loose big from this decision.
Hmmm, is there a way to just quit and leave an access to messenger (preferably by non Facebook app?) I have account since 2006 and want to kill it, the only thing that keeps me is still a few of people that I don't have other ways to contact.
Edit: not sure if Facebook got confused (due to visiting Europe), but on my family member messenger it showed option to separate Facebook account with messenger due to European regulations. I wish it have me that option.
Fascism is on the match. The problem is not that they are on the move. The problem is that many of us just join the march but caring about what we are doing ... or not doing.
And no I'm not calling for revolution.... I'm just calling out everyone that participates in corporate social media and wonder why they are encouraging the spreading of lies and propaganda