The world of Dungeons & Dragons comes to life in an explosive action brawler filled with real-time combat and dynamic co-op. Play as iconic D&D heroes and join up to three other friends to battle legendary monsters, earn powerful gear, and unlock new abilities to take on even bigger challeng...
We will be shutting down (shut down) the Dark Alliance servers on 2/24/2025 and it will no longer be available to purchase starting that day. The base game and all DLC are still available to play in offline single player by anyone who currently owns it.
In the 90s there were still company-owned servers for certain games such as MMORPGs like Ultima Online; reversers rebuilding servers from ground up helped keep the community alive for all those old addicts. Kal Ort Por
The OG Dark Alliance was my jam back when it first released. Sunk so many hours into it and its sequel (with Dritz). I can hear the song from the tavern in my head as I type. Now I’ve gotta see if I can emulate it somehow.