Sony has added a handful of beloved PS2 games to its PlayStation Plus Classic Games Catalog such as those from the Sly Cooper and Jak and Daxter franchises.
It's not the news you're looking for, but you deserve to know about OpenGOAL nonetheless.
It's a project that aims to revive the programming language that the Jak & Daxter series was written in.
They've mostly succeeded in porting the first game, and somebody has already made mods for it.
The first game especially was so ahead of its time. You could explore the entire overworld without any loading screens while running at a smooth 60FPS.
Having played the first game a little late, I rushed off to spend my savings on the sequel as soon as it came out. I was not ready for the dark turn it took. It was like someone had snuck GTA 3 into a kids game without any one noticing, going from a cute but kind of dirty kids game to a dark city with cars and guns where you could run over people and get into a fight with the cops.
What is this animation style called? It’s the same style as in World of Warcraft and Overwatch (both Blizzard games, so I’ve been thinking of it as “Blizzard style”).