This but replace the last text with something like "wow what an echo chamber"
119 1 Reply"So much for the tolerant left!"
98 1 Reply"But muh Freeze Peach!"
21 2 Reply
This was accurate 5 years ago. Not so much now when the red hat is the one writing the rules.
81 2 ReplyCorrect, horse.
27 0 ReplyBattery, staple.
27 0 Reply
Shitting on the floor will be mandatory.
9 0 Reply6 6 Reply
Imagine being so healthy that you can poop on demand, what madlad
44 3 ReplyThrough your pants no less!
21 0 ReplyThat's some serious high pressure pooping!
13 0 Reply
That doesn't sound like something a healthy person should be able to do.
20 0 ReplyNo shit
11 0 Reply
But but but but…
F r e e
S p e e c h
33 0 ReplyGFY, Elon.
^Sorry, just had to get that out of my system...^
3 0 Reply
ugh, Overton window much?
9 4 Reply
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