Working-class parents often express interest in vouchers. But in Arizona, the nation’s school choice capital, these families aren’t using them due to the inaccessibility of private schools and the costs of transportation, meals and uniforms.
School vouchers/choice are just the latest attempts to segregate schools. While many of the more ardent supporters are more excited about their children going to school with the "right" kind of people, the whole purpose of making schools less equitable is to redevelop a poor, uneducated, desperate populace.
What do racism and a poor, uneducated, desperate populace have in common? Slavery/slave wages. This incredibly damaging project is driven by the ridiculously wealthy to develop a more desperate poverty class and to ensure that there is a strong middle class to help keep them in check.
The middle class will look down on the impoverished with disdain and fear—the fear of becoming one of those people if they don't follow the rules set by the wealthy. The impoverished will look up to the middle-class as a goal so they can escape their poverty. People, families, and generations will cycle from middle-class to poverty and back. When they're impoverished, they'll take their turn running the machines that make the product, and in the middle-class, they'll purchase the product.
If the wealthy can push the impoverished to be desperate enough, they can increase profits by forcing employees to race to the bottom on wages. Then they can convince the middle-class that they'll join the poverty-class if they don't buy enough products, thus driving profits even further.
I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that school choice is absolutely an attempt to destroy our lives. And if enough people are tricked into believing that they'll actually benefit from it, then someday their children or their children's children can count how many schools they have to pass by before getting to their acceptable campus.