What if somebody wrote a virus that infected windows computers to replace the OS with linux?
What if somebody wrote a virus that infected windows computers to replace the OS with linux?
Would their owners even notice?
Inspired by Kaspersky deletes itself, installs UltraAV antivirus without warning
That would be a hell of a virus!
But people would notice, and pretty quickly. Even if this megavirus could somehow manage to do it without data loss, mimicking every aspect of windows perfectly, making file structure work the same, etc; it couldn't do anything about the programs that simply don't work on linux yet.
Once the first person noticed, it would be a huge deal
It could be a "clever" one that only installed linux if linux compatible applications were installed. That might lower the risk of being noticed.
That would be an anti-virus.. x)
Since it would remove spy-ware from your computer.
Finally helpful hackers.
Even if it were possible, personally I wouldn't recommend using it as it would violate/contradict the system of trust and autonomy
Forcing the belief of:
- "you have to use Linux because I believe it's good"
- "because I believe x means you should believe y";
onto someone makes that idea inherently untrustworthy and the foundations of its origin would be unstable.
My recommendation is that if you want people to use Linux or something because you trust it and want others to benefit in the same way; then it's existence and systems contained within it should act as proof itself and shouldn't have to be forced onto others
- similar to opt-ins rather than opt-outs
Maybe I should've posted this in linux memes, but I couldn't find a picture to go along with it.
Maybe I should've posted this in linux memes
please do this next time👍
If you do, I encourage you too find a picture from traditional art community
- "you have to use Linux because I believe it's good"