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Rikj000 Rikj000

Full stack developer and privacy advocate. I like to keep the mentality, if you can program one language well, then you can program in any language!

Posts 11
Comments 232
Nintendo Sues 'Modded Hardware' and r/SwitchPirates Moderator 'Archbox' * TorrentFreak
  • How Nintendont's lawsuits affect me:

    • Hate for company: Increases
    • Likelihood of purchasing products: Decreases
  • What Are the Best Ideas for Using LineageOS with Root and microG?
    1. Shizuku can run as root,
      and has some advantages compared to giving apps root directly (e.g. it's faster)
    2. LSPosed is indeed archived however it still works. It is the continuation of XPosed, a framework which allows modules to hook into functions of applications, to run custom code before/after them. These kind of modules allow for additional modification options which are not possible with normal Magisk modules.
    3. CorePatch makes it easy to install modified applications over stock ones, without needing to uninstall / wiping the apps data. Just make sure to not install modified versions of system apps and you should be fine.
    4. It's mostly used to recover yourself from bootloops when testing out new Magisk/Xposed modules, since if the phone bootloops, you can still disable the module that caused it from your custom recovery.
    5. It can make extended use of root + xposed, allowing it to auto-hook into applications, without needing to patch / install modified applications
    6. Very advanced audio tweaking software, can make 20$ headphones sound like 200$ headphones with the right tweaking.
    7. Is an Xposed module to turn apps dark which do not natively support dark themes, still works nicely, however not on all apps.
  • Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana'
  • *Nintendont

    The lawsuit company which makes games on the side strikes again.

  • wayland was a mistake
  • Wayland might be the future,
    but today we're still living in the present..

    I was a fan, and tried Wayland,
    but it took less then 24hrs before I switched back to X.

    Just too many random bugs remain in Wayland rn..


    • Grayed out screen under HDR
    • LookingGlass unable to boot in fullscreen
    • Some program icons replaced with Wayland icon when running
    • ...
  • Can I refuse MS Authenticator?
  • You can use Aegis and/or Yubico Authenticator instead, that's what I do.

  • Is it impossible to be private online?
  • Never give up,
    each eye you poke out is one less they can use for data collection.

    It's a slow process and they'll grow more eyes,
    but the less they have on you,
    the more private you'll be.

  • Since DAI is currently being destroyed
  • Don't meddle with "stable-coins".
    They are pointless since they:

    • Do not replace fiat
    • Are not stable since inflation on fiat
    • Are more risky then fiat

    If you want a "stable-coin",
    just use fiat..

    Only crypto you should still care about these days is Monero.

  • MakerDAO is destroying DAI
  • Don't meddle with "stable-coins".
    They are pointless since they:

    • Do not replace fiat
    • Are not stable since inflation on fiat
    • Are more risky then fiat

    Only crypto you should still care about these days is Monero.

  • I Don’t Want To Spend My One Wild And Precious Life Dealing With Google’s AI Search - Aftermath
  • You can ditch YouTube,
    without actually ditching YouTube content,
    through a privacy respecting alternative frontend:

    My favorite ones:

    • Desktop: Invidious + Piped
    • Android: Newpipe + Tubular
  • Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • Currently at 30ish hours and still enjoying it.

    Reminded me that Bethesda does release some great / huge games.

    Albeit quite bugged at release,
    but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community.

    The Next Gen update is a stupid cash-grab though, and imo should have never happened..

    An official modpack would have been much better.

  • Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
  • My "nExT gEn" update experience:

    1. Get baited to re-play Fallout 4 through the new TV show + Next Gen update
    2. Be disappointed since the graphics aged like milk + Official HD texture DLC sucks
    3. Be disappointed since the update broke nearly all mod support
    4. Roll back to the release before the Next Gen update + Uninstall the Official HD texture DLC
    5. Install 205 mods, and happily play with nearly everything in 4K

    FYI, most mods I installed are from:

  • Using Ubuntu may give off hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect.
  • Correct me if I'm wrong,
    but I have been disliking Ubuntu because they use:

    • Proprietary pieces in their code
    • Telemetry (spyware)
    • Snap packages by default
  • Hey guys, I just wanted to share that I made a browser extension that enhances the ChatGPT UI
  • Correct, ChatGPT is proprietary spyware.

    If the interface would support self hosted (local/offline) LLMs, then I'm sure people would be much more interested.

  • Monero delisting for Kraken Germany
  • CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies),
    basically FIAT 2.0,
    but now with even less rights and privacy over your money.

  • The Yuzu repo is hosted on Radicle, an open source P2P GitHub alternative where repos are hosted and seeded across peoples locally running nodes
  • Suyu is the most popular + actively developed afaik.

    They host their code on their own Forgejo instance:

    Which is more DMCA proof then Github/Gitlab.

    I hope ForgeFed will go into production soon,
    then we can synchronize the code in between multiple Forgejo instances in a federated fashion.

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • How do you think news sites earn money? They do not provide that content for free,
    you are their product of which they benefit.

    I use NoScript,
    which tells me about each JavaScript piece a website has, most if not all of them contain trackers (= data collection).

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • Each article,
    links to a news site,
    which is riddled with data trackers,
    which collects info about you,
    which is sold.

    In addition the sites contain advertisements.

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • Only these 2:

    Because they:

    • Spam up your feed
    • Spread depressing content (since it attracts more attention thus earns them more)
    • Try to manipulate you
  • Suyu moved to Forgejo Suyu Git

    Suyu Git: Repository for Suyu development and yuzu archives.

    Suyu Git

    After the DMCA takedown on Github/Gitlab, Suyu (the active fork of Yuzu)

    Moved to their own Forgejo instance.


    Forgejo or Radicle - Which do you prefer? Alternatives to GitHub · community · Discussion #49869

    Since GitHub continues introducing antifeatures and enforcing an own vision of software development, like mandatory 2FA (I don't need such mandatory imitation of security when I'll have to bear its...

    Alternatives to GitHub · community · Discussion #49869

    Just finished writing out a lengthy comment, with the up/downsides I can see on each of the code forges I currently deem promising, on the Github Discussion "Alternatives to GitHub"

    And I was wondering, out of following 2, which code forge would you guys prefer and why?


    Help preserve Yuzu's code base

    cross-posted from:

    As you all know or may not know, Nintendo has taken down Yuzu, see following post for more info on that:

    Now it's important to preserve the code base of Yuzu, so hopefully someday, once things cooled down a little, an active fork can stick it's head up.

    After looking at the Azure DevOps Pipelines of yuzu-emu/yuzu, I noticed the latest pipeline ran 8 hours ago as of writing this post:


    Which tells us that the latest commit, was a merge of PR #13198 from zhaobot/tx-update-20240301020652

    This fork, is the most up-to-date one / contains the latest commit done to Yuzu before the take down:

    I encourage you all to pull, star and fork this fork, not only the master branch, but all branches! The more copies floating out there, the better the project will be preserved.

    You can pull the code base to your local machine, with: bash git clone (Requires

    And you can pull in all the branches, as described in this Github Gist:


    Help preserve Yuzu's code base

    cross-posted from:

    As you all know or may not know, Nintendo has taken down Yuzu, see following post for more info on that:

    Now it's important to preserve the code base of Yuzu, so hopefully someday, once things cooled down a little, an active fork can stick it's head up.

    After looking at the Azure DevOps Pipelines of yuzu-emu/yuzu, I noticed the latest pipeline ran 8 hours ago as of writing this post:


    Which tells us that the latest commit, was a merge of PR #13198 from zhaobot/tx-update-20240301020652

    This fork, is the most up-to-date one / contains the latest commit done to Yuzu before the take down:

    I encourage you all to pull, star and fork this fork, not only the master branch, but all branches! The more copies floating out there, the better the project will be preserved.

    You can pull the code base to your local machine, with: bash git clone (Requires

    And you can pull in all the branches, as described in this Github Gist:


    Help preserve Yuzu's code base

    As you all know or may not know, Nintendo has taken down Yuzu, see following post for more info on that:

    Now it's important to preserve the code base of Yuzu, so hopefully someday, once things cooled down a little, an active fork can stick it's head up.

    After looking at the Azure DevOps Pipelines of yuzu-emu/yuzu, I noticed the latest pipeline ran 8 hours ago as of writing this post:


    Which tells us that the latest commit, was a merge of PR #13198 from zhaobot/tx-update-20240301020652

    This fork, is the most up-to-date one / contains the latest commit done to Yuzu before the take down:

    I encourage you all to pull, star and fork this fork, not only the master branch, but all branches! The more copies floating out there, the better the project will be preserved.

    You can pull the code base to your local machine, with: bash git clone (Requires

    And you can pull in all the branches, as described in this Github Gist:


    [OC] She looks damn fine compared to everything else


    PSMD in Citra looking neat!

    Playing some Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, through Citra Canary v2798 with:

    And I gotta say, I'm happily impressed by how good it looks! Apart from the low resolution font/texts, I'd forget that I'm playing a mobile title from 2015 😄

    Edit: I disabled the High Resolution Textures, because they cause:

    • Random game freezes in connection orb screens
    • Slowdowns while in villages / dungeons / connection orb screens
    • Incorrect black / white rendering of clouds / earth during cut scenes

    [Guide] "Easy" awesome Alpha Frostallion

    I figured out a way to "easily" get them in single-player.

    Recommended prerequisites (Not so easy):

    • Reach level 44, for Legendary sphere's
    • Upgrade your Capture Power to level 10 at the statue of power with Lifmunk Effigy's

    Cheese method for Alpha Frostallion:

    • Install one of following mods:

      • Pal Info I've been using this one up till now.
      • Pal Analyzer I will soon switch to this one, since it looks nicer.

      They both will show you the passive skills a pal has, allowing you to check em out before catching the pals, so you don't waste sphere's

    • Travel to Frostallion, check his passive skills without battling, if they're not as desired, exit / re-enter your world, that will re-spawn / re-roll in a new one with new passive skills, repeat till you find a desired one.

    • Start battling as soon as you find a desired one, took me 20-30 minutes for mine.

    • There will be a large / tall ice rock in the area (Coordinates X: -349, Y: 519), just start circling around it, always keep the large / tall ice rock between you and Frostallion

    • Eventually he'll climb up the ice rock, and will fall down from it eventually as well, which will hurt him through fall damage for about 300 - 3000 HP!

    • Rinse and repeat until his HP is low, then start throwing your legendary sphere's 😄


    Am I the only one getting agitated by the word AI?

    Am I the only one getting agitated by the word AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

    Real AI does not exist yet, atm we only have LLMs (Large Language Models), which do not think on their own, but pass turing tests (fool humans into thinking that they can think).

    Imo AI is just a marketing buzzword, created by rich capitalistic a-holes, who already invested in LLM stocks, and now are looking for a profit.


    [Guide] Introduction to fair Monero mining

    ⛏️ Fair CPU pool mining introduction Monero (XMR) is one of the only projects which offer a way of mining in a pool as it should be implemented, with P2Pool:

    • Fair - Instant payouts according to your share.
    • Decentralized - No pool owners - No centralized party handling the P2Pool.
    • Decentralized - Pool participants - Due to the RandomX algorithm being used, no specialized Antic miners can be built for XMR. Meaning that an average Joe can still participate and earn shares with their CPU.
    • Private - XMR itself continuously aims for the best possible privacy cryptography can offer.

    Source Code / Links:

    • Gupax: A GUI (Graphical User Interface), to easily mine Monero on P2Pool using XMRig
    • P2Pool: Peer to peer pool, truly decentralized pool for Monero mining
    • XMRig: RandomX, KawPow, CryptoNight and GhostRider unified CPU/GPU miner
    • RandomX: Proof of work algorithm based on random code execution
    • Monero: The secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
    • Monero GUI: Official Monero GUI, for wallet, miner and monerod node
    • P2Pool Observer: Monitor various P2Pool stats
    • XMRvsBeast: Enter a free lottery, only for participating XMR miners, to win a chance of a short, but serious boost in your hash-rate / payouts!
    • Monero Fail: An extensive list of publicly hosted monerod nodes

    ⛏️ Fair CPU pool mining guide This guide will help you setting up a fair Monero miner, please note, that you still will have to create your own config files for: Gupax, P2Pool and XMRig

    1. Use Monero GUI to create a wallet
    2. Use Monero GUI to run your own monerod instance (Monero Node daemon), configure following startup flags under: Monero GUI => Settings => Node => Daemon startup flags: properties --zmq-pub=tcp:// --out-peers 32 --in-peers 64 --disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist --prune-blockchain --sync-pruned-blocks --db-sync-mode=safe --log-level 1 These startup flags will help with:
    • Blocking malicious nodes
    • Keeping your copy of the blockchain as small as possible
    • Provide logging incase a priority-node goes down (Use Monero Fail for replacements)
    1. Configure the P2Pool + XMRig binary paths in Gupax under: Gupax => Gupax => P2Pool/XMRig PATHs
    2. Use Gupax to run P2Pool, connect to your local monerod instance by configuring P2Pool as following: Gupax => P2Pool => P2Pool Mini => Fill in the following: properties Name = Local Monero Node IP = RPC = 18081 ZMQ = 18083 Out-peers = 32 In-peers = 64
    3. Use Gupax to run XMRig, connect to your local P2Pool as following: Gupax => XMRig => Command arguments (configure --threads as desired): properties -c config.json -o --http-host --http-port 18088 --threads 30 This will make it possible to load a config.json file from the same directory as the XMRig binary


    • If you're gonna run on normal end-user hardware (e.g. Desktop/Laptop/Smartphone), then I'd recommend to mine on P2Pool Mini instead of the main P2Pool
    • Your P2Pool wallet adress is public, periodically move mined funds to a new, truly private XMR wallet
    • My use-case? I mine to support the cause and to earn a little back from heating my room during winter times 😄

    [Guide] Improve your Lemmy feed!

    Hi all 👋

    Here with a small guide for the Eternity app for Lemmy, on how to setup your own custom filters, so you can weed out unwanted content 🙂

    Motivation: I was getting sick of my feed being bombarded with war related content.. So in this guide, that's what we'll be filtering out.

    Guide: => Open Eternity app => Tap Hamburger menu icon (Top left) => Tap Settings => Tap Post Filter => Tap Plus icon (Bottom right) => Fill in: Post Filter Name = No War => Fill in: Title: Exclude Keywords = Gaza,Hamas,Israel,Palestine,Pakistan,Ukraine,Russia => Tap Save icon (Top right) => Tap new No War filter => Tap Apply To => Tap Plus icon (Bottom right) => Tap Subscribed => Tap Plus icon (Bottom right) => Tap Search => Tap Back Arrow (Top left) => Close / re-open Eternity app

    This was just an example, adjust as desired + can create filters for whatever you (don't) want 😉
