I about gave myself an aneurysm deliberately and pedantically (and dare I say, facetiously) trying to parse this as written (lack of punctuation) rather than as intended.
Any such pain is well deserved, of course, but still.
Best guess, something owns or has some oversight of an entire group of human (or at least sentient) control tests (or control testers) that are identified by the letter 'a'.
There is no conclusive evidence that its b control test people are better than its a control test people.
i'm sorry but what kinda pictures you gonna take with that shit
gonna be some joe niépce shit where you spend all day takin a damn photo with a goddam blanket on your head and it turns out lookin like a bunch of rectangles
gonna be like some matthew brady shit where you can only take pictures of dead ppl because no alive person wants to be in your shitass photo