EU's petition to Stop Killing Games: 331k/1000k signatures and 4/7 countries over threshold. Next Denmark and Netherlands +95% threshold, but no 7th EU's country nearby (closest is Ireland with 66%)
No stress, it's almost a year before the deadline and we're already ⅓ of the way. Might be good to somehow get a gaming YouTuber to mention this – that would bring a ton of signatures at once.
AFAIK the requirements are 1 million signers and at least 7 countries over the threshold. Once seven is reached, that no longer matters, only the total count.
I like that it is this easy to vote without eID, since eID is a pain in the ass.
But I fear how easy it is. Country+national ID number +name+surname? A lot of people have that information about me. It would not be hard to cheat if someone wanted to.
EDIT: corporations have that combination of data of all their employees, for example.