Kids of that age would more-or-less walk while sitting on these. The pedaling comes after balance training (unlike how my generation used tricycles at the same age).
Balance bikes are amazing. My kid rode hers daily to day care and back (half a mile or more). At 3 got a pedal bike with no training wheels. Made some progress day one, next day was literally riding. Has been riding ever since. Never had training wheels.
Balance bikes work on the premise that the hardest part of learning to ride isn't the pedals. It's learning how to balance
The dandy horse, an English nickname for what was first called a Laufmaschine ("running machine" in German), then a vélocipède or draisienne (in French and then English), and then a pedestrian curricle or hobby-horse, or swiftwalker, is a human-powered vehicle that, being the first means of transport to make use of the two-wheeler principle, is regarded as the forerunner of the bicycle.