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I have officially lost ten pounds since returning home from a foreign country last year.

Honestly, I think I had a cyst on my left ovary that made me gain some weight while abroad. I had been working out, but my diet wasn’t the best, last year.

Since I have been back in the states, I have quit caffeine, sodas, and fast food. I have been trying to eat more vegetables, and have begun drinking soy milk again, like I used to in high school. I have been running one mile per day, and walking one mile per day, as well. I have also been swimming laps, but I was doing that while abroad, too. I really think the change in diet has helped.

If anyone is struggling with their weight, hang in there. I wasn’t heavily overweight, but it is a relief to have a healthy BMI now. Even if no one notices, keep going. I still have a relative that is trying to convince people to call me a nickname she created in the ‘90’s, that means “fat”. If you have people like that in your life, too, ignore them. They’re probably just projecting their own issues onto you. It says more about their issues than yours, when they attack others. Stay healthy!