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[solved] Audiobookshelf not fetching latest podcast episodes

Hiya, quickly wondering if anyone has had any issues with ABS not fetching/pulling latest podcast episodes? I added my podcasts via OPML, around a week ago, and it doesn't seem to be pulling in any new episodes. I've set a schedule to scan the lib each hour, but im assuming this feature is just for scanning for new local files and not fetching. Anyone got any tips on what to do here?

  • That scan only scans your hard drive once an hour.

    To check rss feeds for new podcast episodes, you need to go to the settings of each podcast and schedule it to scan the podcast feed.

    • Oh wow cant believe I missed this part of the UI... but yeah, you're totally right. I thought it would happen auto-magically after importing via OPML. I feel clumsy now, but thanks for pointing it out!

  • Did you set up recurring searches for new episodes? Idk what it is set to be default but you have to set each show to do episode searches at a given interval.