LifeWise Academy is on a mission to reach school children with the gospel. Opponents say the weekly Bible studies blur the line between church and state.
Local group Concerned Matriarchs LLC is now holding a prayer vigil to get the gay communist demon out of the pastor's penis, who they claim had been infected when accidentally partaking in liberal art.
Christians always seem to advocate for public prayer, going fully against the explicit quote by Jesus in their holy book that specifically instructs them not to pray in public, or in groups. He says word for word how they are supposed to pray, twice...once in Matthew, once in Luke. In Matthew, he even tells them to go do it secretly in a quiet place like the innermost room of their home so no one else sees it.
Why yes, of course they have! It turns out god conveniently wants all the same things they want and hates all the same people they hate! Isn't it a miracle?
I just love how they claim it's not state sponsored. While anyone who doesn't participate doesn't continue classes. They go to the library until the Christian kids come back. The entire school day is structured around their "off-site" prayer.