Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent
Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent
James Lankford cites a veteran as partial reason for recommitting to Sunshine Protection Act, which has already passed in Senate

James Lankford cites a veteran as partial reason for recommitting to Sunshine Protection Act, which has already passed in Senate
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Compromise and make DST permanent but 30 minutes ahead.
20 2 ReplyPlease not a .5 difference lol. Add the hour or take it away, but not the .5 please.
21 1 ReplyOk, let's compromise. Half the year we can add the half hour and half the year we take it away. For the farmers or something
23 0 ReplyYou devil, you.
8 0 Reply
Even better, nobody likes getting an hour less sleep but everyone likes getting an extra hour. Just move the clocks back one hour each year!
14 0 ReplyOr better yet, adopt the 23 hour day.
3 0 Reply
Be thankful you're not living in Nepal - they use UTC+5:45
7 0 Reply
So we can be 8 hours difference from India instead of 8 and a half.
2 0 Reply