Chamberlain was trying to stave off another world war, but he was outmaneuvered by an adversary far more evil than he imagined. Trump is sucking authoritarian cock while trying to be one of the gang, freely offering everything they want.
Trump is a chancer., serving people that wish to install a dictator, under their control. The same global dark money is funding hard right politics across the world.
There are a great many very ordinary people being seduced to surrendering everything.
Context for Chamberlain's decision: They were hoping Britain, France, Germany, Poland, and Japan would be on the same side, against the USSR.
Hence why they all rejected mutual defense pacts with the USSR, and Chamberlain+deGaulle's attempt to join the winter war, which was only stopped by Sweden's refusal to allow transit.
Weird how it gets just gets used to call anyone who doesn't show sufficient bloodlust a coward.