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  • Holy shit, little dudes getting radicalised early now, love to see it!

    Dane here too, I got radicalised 10 years later though lol.

    Spread the word among your peers, and speak out against our political parties (Especially our only "socialist" parties SF and Ø) who simp for NATO.

    That said, under capitalist hegemony a socialist election win is near impossible. We must still organise as best as possible and educate where libs will listen!

    Keep reading! State and Revolution by Lenin is an important piece of literature I can recommend.

    Here is a good socialist resource gathering tool if you need to educate yourself, or if you need to dunk on libs:

  • Oh, you're a year above me! What's high school like?

    • I can’t speak for Rasm, but just ended 9th grade. Personally high school is more stressful , school is harder, and I’ve become less niave. I’ve also done lots of self improvement and learning, but this is more in reaction to rather than thanks to school.

  • Congratulations! But what is 9th grade?

    • School grade I'm guessing

    • In Denmark public/private schools go from 0(preschool) to 9th grade (Also 10th which is sort of like an optional prep year for gymnasium(We call it gymnasium, not highschool))

      • Ah, I didn't know that. Are there also different types of schools? In Germany, you go to a primary school from grade 1 to 4. From then on you get a recommendation as to whether you should go to a Hauptschule (you do badly or are poor), Realschule (you do better or are less poor) or Gymnasium (you do better or are not poor). Hauptschule ends with the 9th or 10th grade. Realschule ends with grade 10 and Gymnasium with grade 12. Real nonsense.

  • Congratulations!

    It is awesome to see younger comrades! You are the future!

    I started calling myself a communist at 14, but at first I basically had a Euronymous like understanding of it where I fetishized the violence, the "totalitarianism", the control. Not over others necessarily, over myself. An external force to control my life. The benevolent state dictating life to me and getting revenge on the exploiters.

    I was really, really edgy and did not find Marxism-Leninism (or feelings of genuine sanity and clarity) until 7 or 8 years later. I was a "communist" of varying types from ancom to Maoist to Green Party shill (I still support them to some extent tbh). It's heartening to see that you all are capable of passing over the weight of sheer misanthropy for scientific socialism.

    Again comrade, congratulations. Keep it up! You are and will continue to be an appreciated asset.

  • Todays my last day of such. (USian 9th grade, idk the difference with the danish one).

  • Congratulations!!!