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rostselmasch rostselmasch
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1969: The Man With a PIGEON Living on his HEAD | BBC News | Weird and Wonderful | BBC Archive
  • The man has accepted his fate. The pigeon has chosen him, now he has to live with her/him as long as she/he lives. There is nothing you can do about it.

    My pigeon also flew to me a few years ago and has lived with me ever since. You too can be one of the people chosen by a pigeon.

  • My Pigeon Can't Be This Cute
  • Omg i need this

  • just saw a book stand named "Revolutionary Spark"
  • I agree. I also observed that liberals will cite anything and everything to make their anti-communism valid. Starting with low level bullshit like, that Marx said he is not a marxist (Marxism debunked, you see), Luxemburg saying she doesnt like how the october revolution happened (Lenin debunked!), Trotsky disagreeing with the Soviet Union the way it wents (Soviet Union debunked) and so on. Also dont forget: Debunking Trotsky because of Kronstadt and Luxemburg is bad, because Thälmann wrote so. Sino-Soviet Split: China and Soviet Union debunked again.

    Looking into the history of marxism, it is quite easy to find a ton of writings, letters and discussions. But, as an example, looking into the collected works of Lenin and making notes where Lenin disagreed with someone, is not how history as a science works. Taking Luxemburg and Lenin: She had critique, yes, but she supported the october revolution and wrote important books for marxist movement. But the most time you'll hear how they cherrypick something and ignore the rest.

  • just saw a book stand named "Revolutionary Spark"
  • This sounds more like hucksters pretending to be Marxists and trying to oversell books. I'm really not a fan of books that are available for free on the internet being sold way too high. If they are translations, no problem. But offering "What is to be done" for 30€, as an example, would be absolutely usurious.

  • just saw a book stand named "Revolutionary Spark"
  • Do you remember the name of their newspaper? Selling books from Trotsky and anarchist stuff is weird. Thats a contradiction and shows the theoretical confusion of that group

  • just saw a book stand named "Revolutionary Spark"
  • Which parties and which documents? I remember figures like Shachtman and Burnham beeing reactionary.

  • My feathered beauty 💘



    Is "Prolet" becoming an insult?
  • Seems to be a german thing. I guess in english "White Trash" is kind of comparable. But Prolet has its pejorative meaning beyond skin colour.

    It is definitely beeing used to degrade the working class. The german wikipedia article describes it well.

  • The war has already begun
  • Since May, according to Microsoft, Chinese hackers have been secretly accessing data from the State Department and Commerce Department, among other targets including Western European entities.

    Shut the fuck up. Its not Chinas fault, that Microsoft miserably failed. Whoever of the whatever-department decided to put their stuff in to the microsoft cloud was an idiot. How the fuck could this happen at the first place. This remindes of Solardwinds, when their password "solarwinds123" (What a secure password!) has been spotted on their Github repo.

    MSA (consumer) keys and Azure AD (enterprise) keys are issued and managed from separate systems and should only be valid for their respective systems. The actor exploited a token validation issue to impersonate Azure AD users and gain access to enterprise mail.


    They had one fucking job. But no no, its not their fault, its China! Dont look at us, our cloud products are still great. And please dont forget to put 20 layers of snake oil on your computer

  • What are your thoughts about outsourcing, insourcing and work visas, are they a good thing or a bad thing for the working class?
  • The question is whether outsourcing or insourcing is good/bad for the working class under the conditions of capitalism.

    Outsourcing can be seen as a division of labor, which in the meantime also takes place internationally. This is not a bad thing but in principle a good thing, only the capitalists are interested in saving personnel costs. This is equivalent to an increased surplus value. Under socialist conditions, the international division of labor leads to a much higher specialization of industries in the respective regions of the world. With the right to work and that everyone should work who can work, it does not have the problems that arise in capitalism.

    In capitalism this leads to several conflicts.

    1. the bourgeois principle of nation states stands in the way of the development of productive forces. Through imperialist action, for example, attempts are made to prevent the development of other industries (a good example is the trade war of the USA against China).
    2. outsourcing of production is also done at the expense of the local population. People who have done the job for a long time become unemployed.
    3. outsourcing is not only at the expense of the working class, but also at the expense of the environment. Especially if the country to which the outsourcing takes place has poor environmental protection.

    This then also affects trade unions, whose role does not go beyond trade unionism anyway, takes on a national role and then also becomes reactionary. The German union IG Metal railed at the time against the "Chinese steel" and later came the punitive tariffs in the EU on certain types of steel from China and Russia. IG Metal liked that, but it was not enough and would like more. The EU safeguards, which is the name of these tariffs, include among others steel products from Turkey, USA and Indonesia.

    In the case of outsourcing steel production, the working class of the European countries together with the US, Russian, Turkish, etc. States must stand together and united. Prevent plant closures, strike, organize beyond trade unionism. The question of whether to insource or outsource must not be thought of nationally, but must be linked to the struggle for a socialist international revolution.

    For more on the subject, see Lenin's "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism" and also highly recommend Rosa Luxemburg's "Reform or Revolution".

    The topic is very extensive and I can only touch on it very roughly, so I can only encourage you to read the works I mentioned. If Lenin is too difficult for you, try the work of Luxemburg. It is very easy to read and understand.

  • Love to cuddle with this fluffy bird <3

    statement from dotworld admin on blocking the Hexbearianists
  • They are turning fediverse into a echo-chamber thing

  • DeGruyter Collection
  • I will still keep updating. This thing is fucking huge. Most stuff is on german. Found some english und french books. Good for me, I speak german. Not only that, it has books straight from the GDR and also great historic books about the French Revolution and almost everything you can imagine. This is a treasure for every marxist. Many things arent even on Z-Library.

  • Hello,does anyone here know if the messenger 'Briar' can be used in China?
  • I love Briar, because it can also work over Bluetooth. It is sometimes quite handy

  • Russia hates nazi country at it's doorstep just cause
  • It is dangerous to identify the inhabitants of a state with its politics. Marxists always ask what exactly are the elements behind the state.

    Looking into Russia: In whose interests does Putin rule? What impact has the privatization of state assets had on the way the Russian capitalist elite perceives its security interests? Which elements of Putins foreign policy have changed compared to the soviet foreign policy? Which have remained?

    Russia is trying to restore the previous status quo, where its bourgeoisie could exploit the country undisturbed. Russia has become a target of Yankee imperialism not because of the autocratic nature of the Putin regime but, first, because its defense of the interests of Russian capitalists clashes with the United States quest for world domination and its related preparations for war against China.

    The attack on Ukraine is a thoroughly reactionary response to the expansion of U.S. hegemony into Russias spheres. In doing so, Putin invokes the reactionary legacy of tsarist Great Russian chauvinism and revives the foreign policy of Tsar Nicholas by also calling for support for "Mother Russia."

    I have never heard of Russians hating Ukrainians. That is a lie. Many Russians have Ukrainian relatives and vice versa. Elements in the Russian state apparatus use, among other things, nationalist arguments to justify the war. They are aware that the war has no objective benefit for the majority of the Russian population.

    At the beginning of the war Putin spoke in high terms about tsarist generals and was explicitly hostile to the October Revolution. Also saying, that Ukraine was a "project" of Lenin. And even now Putin never tires of expressing his hostility to Bolshevism. For example, his statement on the attempted coup by the Wagner Group:

    A blow like this was dealt to Russia in 1917, when the country was fighting in World War I. But the victory was stolen from it: intrigues, squabbles and politicking behind the backs of the army and the nation turned into the greatest turmoil, the destruction of the army and the collapse of the state, and the loss of vast territories, ultimately leading to the tragedy of the civil war.

    The Ukrainian and Russian proletariat gains nothing from this. The greatest fear of the Ukrainian and Russian bourgeoisie, as well as that of Yankee imperialism, is a militant, class-conscious working class.

    The question, "Why do Russians hate Ukrainians so bad?" implies so much that you probably need more words to explain why this question is wrong in itself.

  • Language_IRA
  • I should really improve my English. Some of the phrases I've heard before and I have an idea of what they mean. But "Be the guinea pig" I hear for the first time. I prefer to be a pigeon instead of a guinea pig.

  • Prioritise RAM or processor?
  • Simply take 16GB RAM and an i5 gen8 or Ryzen 3600X. Dont forget to buy a NVMe and you should be fine

  • Anticommunists make the coolest communist propaganda
  • As I already said, I am sorry if that sounded harsh, but my explanation is still valid. I was not sure about your seriousness simply because you ended with the question: 'unless being anti-trotsky = anti-communist?)'

    I have had enough contact with 'Marxists' who will even repeat straight far-right propaganda if it is something against Trotsky, even spreading antisemitic lies. His Jewish heritage is one of the most popular attack points. I have a Russian book here, named 'Leaders and Tyrants' from the 90s, which loves to point out every time that he is Jewish.

    Considering all this and how your question was formulated, it could have been a non-serious question. A person asking this non-seriously would gain nothing, but rather reveal their hatred against Trotsky, even if it is done in an anti-semitic manner.

    especially someone who's been in the grad for way more than you ever have

    I don't know what you have read or not, how far you are already. But if I were to assume that you are well-read in Marxist literature, then your question would have everything of what I have described above. With the people I deal with, such a scenario is very likely, even online. Such is also possible on Lemmygrad, of course.

    But now I know that it doesn't apply to you. That's why I also wrote that I am sorry for the harshness due to the uncertainty regarding your seriousness.

    I hope you understand now why I answered the way I did.

    However, it wasn't my intention to offend you. I am sorry if I did. But my explanation is still valid; you can ignore the harshness, or I can rewrite it in a manner that is not harsh.

    unlike you i'm not aware of every single little thing about soviet history and culture.

    I am also not aware of everything. I am still learning. But it is not about soviet culture or history. If you are interested in soviet culture, I encourage you to take look on soviet films.

  • Anticommunists make the coolest communist propaganda
  • You only see, that it is somehow against trotsky, isnt? This is a propaganda poster of the white army. It would be naive to think, that there is nothng anti-communist about this poster. So you have to take a look under which conditions this poster was made:

    The white army blamed jews for bolshevism. Remeber the progroms? The protocols of the elders of zion and the black hundreds? In the propaganda of the white army Trotsky often had demonic features because he was jewish and played an important role in the civil war. This is a continuity of the anti-semitic agenda of tsarist russia. And it was in fact so, that young jews became revolutioners, they saw a better life in socialism, than in antisemitic tsarism.

    the flag still says RSFSR, so im also confused how this would be anticommunist as well (unless being anti-trotsky = anti-communist?)

    So what is the poster transtlated? "Peace and Freedom in the Soviet Russia" is written on the top. And you see a red demonic Trotsky, a jew with millions of skulls under him.

    Should you be not conviced, then look here for the original poster, which i didnt post:

    Also other posters from that time exist.

    It is even without the david star antisemitic considering under which conditions it was created. The Nazis later extended it clearly with the idea of judeo-bolshevism, which also had its roots in all of the anti-semitic attacks (Dont forget Marx, he was often attacked of simply having jewish heritage) marxism received.

    And if you look what the far right is saying about communism: Jews. October revolution: Jews. Marxism: Founded by jews and continued by jews. Jews, jews jews.

    Sorry if I sound harsh, but it's not so easy to understand the seriousness of your comment

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It can be removed in my opinion. Upvotes are ok, because otherwise someone would write "this" or "I agree". But I think by removing downvotes, it will maybe force people to comment, why they disagree.

  • [Advice Needed] impulsive self-harm, voices.
  • Are these voices coming from inside or from outside? Also, do you hear them, or do they appear inside your brain?

  • Anticommunists make the coolest communist propaganda
  • Wouldnt say that, their anticommunist propaganda is also kind of anti-semitic

  • When my girl was a little squab <3


    I have eggs


    Putting the "You" in CPU

    Great explanation about how CPUs actually work. Worth reading!

    Games rostselmasch

    China is so bad, that you threat the Genshin Summer Festival in south korea with a pipe bomb


    Bow before the pigeon god, worm!


    Protector of the collected works of Marx and Engels


    My pigeon is eating my hand!


    My youngest feels comfy today!


    Enjoing the day!


    Language problems with posts

    I created few posts and they didnt show up for some folks, probably because it got the "english" tag. I created them by using the Android App "Jerboa" and I there is no option to select a language.

    So now I tried to change the language, but it is somehow not working. The Banne says: "Warning: If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content."

    But if I select "Undetermined" it simply switches to "Select Language". Maybe I am doing something wrong. Does anyone know what I have to do, so that the language is "Undertermined"?


    Are you reading the collected works of Lenin?

    My pigeon does


    My pigeon on glass

    In case you were wondering what it looks like


    pet the pigeon


    Mother and daughter
