Building a metaverse that people want to actually engage with was too hard, so he's decided to scale back his ambitions and tackle something less difficult: AGI.
Is Zuckerberg an idiot? Or does he have an actual plan with this?
Seems to me it's completely useless like Metaverse.
If the LLM is so stupid it can't figure out the sides of an equal sign can be reversed as simple as in 2+2=4 <=> 4=2+2. He will never achieve general intelligence by just throwing more compute power at it.
As powerful as LLM is, it's still astoundingly stupid when it hits its limitations.
The difference is that we can go beyond that limitation. Even self-coding AI will either solve a problem, or compound its own inefficiencies before asking an operator to help out.
Sure, we could point to thousands of years of really smart people trying and utterly failing to build mathematical models for innovation and thought, but it also does make a certain amount of sense that, if you pile up enough transistors and wish really hard, that your investment will Frosty the Snowman itself into being your friend, right...?