ain't nothing like a facebook rando threatening to do very real physical violence to you because you pointed out Doctor Who has always been a bit camp.
I think this arsehole is one of the old guard who's all ITs SeRioUs ScIfI
yes, it is on occasion. It's also camp. And if he's gonna try and anorak me I'll fucking eat his head 'cos I'm equally old school and nerdy (40+ years)....I've just also got social skills and a sex life.
Side note: That character is one of the best written characters I've ever come across. He's so broken and flawed, but has such a big heart. He knows the parts of his personality that are not calibrated right and compensates for his issues by attaching to people he respects. I'd love to read more about him. Particularly about how he lived in the years before the last chapter of the last book.
to be totally fair, Its gone from a bit more subtle to... drastically less so with Ncuti. I'm not complaining, but for the more oblivious viewers it might've been a bit of a shock.