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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
  • This is the latest in a long line of "I say this is a bad idea, Mrs Break says "yes" then does EXACTLY the bad idea thing". Think we're gonna have a sit down conversation about this. She's absolutely entitled to do whatever the hell she wants, but each time makes it a little bit tougher to trust her judgement.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • it got popular, cant blame 'em for trying to make a buck. Can blame 'em for trying to make a buck on Kmart donations though. The anko shit was rough when it was brand new, certainly no better now.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • If I lay my head down on my desk I think I'd be asleep in less than a minute. I slept ok last night, but running outta juice now. No coffee today isnt helping. Lets see if this tea can help, there is a lot riding on its shoulders.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦅 Thursday, July 04, 2024
  • Can you get ikea delivered down there? Not everyone loves it but the Malm is pretty solid! It survived the start of me and the wifes relationship if that counts for anything and is still with us today.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • Alright, gonna take some heat for this but I want to say it: I don't want anyone at any level of government making decisions based around god. Dont care what god, dont care what decision. And yes, I ABSOLUTELY have this criticism of scomo!

    I think she was morally right, I support her. But if she did it cause its what her god wants her to do I'd argue that's doing it for the wrong reasons.

    Your morals and ethics can be inspired by your faith, but faith should not be the backbone of your morals and ethics.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: ☃️ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • Anyone ever do that whole sourdough thing back in lockdown? I love sourdough, but paying 6 to 8 bucks for it at bakers delight isnt cheap. Was it worth it and do you recommend it? or was it a fad for a reason?

  • Tucker Time: Wed 3 Jul 2024
  • I need to confess something. Monday night was supposed to be home made pasta with a Mushroom cream chicken sauce. I used aldi pasta and made a roux instead. And it was INCREDIBLE! Honestly why do I muck around with stock and cream and pasta water when I can just cheat and add a roux?! Im deffo doing it again and I refuse to feel guilty for doing it. I know I've basically just flipped off both the italian and french communities but deal with it.

  • Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    7/11 Coffee - Now with oat and soy! from $1.50 Find Your Nearest 7 Eleven | 7 Eleven Australia

    Find your nearest 7 Eleven convenience store using the store locator. Search for 7-Eleven petrol stations and car washes near you, and find opening hours.

    If like me you've always wanted in on the cheap coffee ($2 for a regular, $3 for a large and a 50c discount for bringing your own cup OR app scan) but couldn't because of the milk good news! 7/11 now have oat and soy options. Their website even provides locations. $1.50 for a half decent regular oat flat white is a heck of a deal!

    If your a little hesitant abut the quality of the coffee I have to say it wasnt bad! is it Barista level? Course not, but its better than passable-but-bland effort maccas baristas manage.

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    Adidas Shoes/Clothes adidas Deals & Coupons

    adidas - find the latest deals, coupons, vouchers, promotional codes and offers for adidas at OzBargain

    adidas Deals & Coupons

    I think I missed the boat on the 30 dollar sneakers, but work setting up a ozbargain account and registering for alerts for the adidas store.

    I've got a couple of pairs of sneakers I got for like 30-40 bucks for about 12 months now and they're still going strong! Seems to be really good quality, doesnt look terrible either and if you can get it for under 50 bucks (which they seem to do every few months) its a frigging steal! Theyre socks are pretty great too!


    Getting stuck in the bush: Or how I learned not to be an idiot or trust google maps.

    So I'm gonna share a story. In this story I'm a fucking idiot. But I hope that it serves as a warning to someone so they can learn from my dumb mistakes. So I was going out to see some mates the other day in a big state forest near Melbourne.

    Decided to take my car (a mid sized AWD SUV) rather than the wife's small FWD sedan. This proved to be a very good choice. Mind you, my car may be awd but its for like a slightly damp soccer field carpark, not what I accidentally forced it into.

    I set google maps on car play and off I go.

    Traveling into the park with basically no phone coverage everything going fine till suddenly get told to turn off a decent gravel path onto a side road. No warnings or anything, and again maps said go this way. So I did. It looked OK to start with, but by the time I realized I was was in trouble it was too late.

    The road degraded to a goat track and I start sliding down it with no chance of turning around and no phone data to be able to reroute anyway. Maps said I was 10 minutes from meet up point so I decided to push on not really having a choice.

    Soon enough i come to a patch of very wet deep tyre tracks. so long as I stick to the high ground I'll be fine. You can see where this is going, cant you? Yep. She slid straight off the highground into foot deep giant puddles of mud and immediately got bogged.

    Chucked the car in mud mode, managed to reverse 2 feet before I couldn't go any further, put the car back in drive and took off at speed but just got stuck in the same spot again and this time couldn't reverse.

    Now I didn't panic. That probably saved me. It woulda been easy to accidentally dig her in. My hear beat about 170bpm, but I got out and as calmly as I could assessed the situation. No phone coverage. I walked ahead a bit to make sure I was ok to proceed assuming I could even get out of this mess. I could. Even better there was a downed tree. I grab some branches and stick them under the wheels as best I can. it took about 15-20 minutes. With a dashboard full of warning lights I jump back in and take off slowly, feel it grab some traction in my best Jeremy Clarkson impression scream "SPEED AND POWER" and fucking launch the SUV out of there.

    Slowly I proceed to the meet point passing a proper 4x4 who looked at me with shock and horror on his face. A poor little SUV so far out of its depth it wasn't even funny and an idiot who almost got himself in serious trouble.

    I meet at the meeting point and my friends laugh. They approached from another direction and has 0 issues on a smooth gravel road. They all used Google Maps too, it just sent them in a different way for some reason.

    So. What did I learn and why am i telling this story? a few key points:

    1. If your going bush, even on GOOD roads make sure someone knows where you are
    2. If you start to get into trouble: Reverse. Even if you have to reverse 500m! Dont commit to the fuck up assuming it'll get better.
    3. Google maps has no concerns about sending you down tracks that even a dirtbike would struggle with 0 warning.

    TLDR: I've become one of those "I was just following the GPS" people.


    Korean at home ideas?

    Been watching a ton of the YouTube shorts of Korean office lunches, and tbh they look incredible. Don’t have the budget for trying a whole Korean restaurants menu so wondering if anyone’s got some home cooked favourites I can have a crack at making.


    There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF? There's a baby drought in Australia. Here's why you should care

    Artificial intelligence support workers could be in Australia's future if the fertility rate continues to stay the same.

    There's a baby drought in Australia. Here's why you should care

    Maybe, just maybe it shouldn't cost close to 10k to even TRY to have a kid through IVF? More like 15k out of pocket costs till the Medicare rebate anyway.

    1 in 6 aussie couples will struggle with infertility whilst 1 in 20 kids is born of IVF.

    1 in 6 couples. 1 in 20 babies. You can see a fair gap here. Unless your comfortably "middle class", you screwed. yes there are some public clinics with no gap, but the wait times are staggering. If we're worried about falling birth rates FULLY funding IVF and fertility treatments through Medicare is a no brainer.

    49 Teenager accused of church attack received good behaviour bond for knife crime

    The teenager who allegedly attacked a bishop at a church in Sydney was placed on a good behaviour bond after being convicted of a knife crime three months ago, the ABC can reveal.

    Teenager accused of church attack received good behaviour bond for knife crime

    Once again, someone who gave clear warning signs they were a risk was released into the community and the community has paid the price. When someone tells you who they are, you listen. Unless you're a judge apparently? Why do personal freedoms seem to trump the risk to the greater public?

    1 NSW Police commissioner begins process to dismiss murder-accused officer from the force

    New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb moves to dismiss alleged murderer Beau Lamarre-Condon from the force, flags investigation of his background and files.

    NSW Police commissioner begins process to dismiss murder-accused officer from the force

    > Lamarre-Condon allegedly killed Davies and Baird with a police gun.

    > "If officers seek to have approval to store firearms at their home, there are a number of steps to that approval, including that the safe in which the firearm is stored has been independently approved." Asked if she knew whether the accused had an approved gun safe at his home, the Commissioner answered: "I'm actually not aware." She would not confirm whether normal rules had been followed in this case.

    Oh you have GOT to be fucking kidding me.


    Recipes for hiding veg?

    Been told I gotta eat better. Working on it, but still not at the point where I can eat a plate of veg. Any suggestions for "hiding" veg to get me some extra nutrients? I already chuck lentils in the bolognese and veggie rice in the mini quiches. Pretend your cooking for a fussy child. I'm expanding my pallet, but it takes time.

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    My Maccas app

    Normally loath to suggest these sorts of thing, but recently discovered maccas has the best coffee in my suburb (C'mon melbourne get your shit together!) so every other day I'm grabbing a coffee. A mate recommended the app. I wouldnt suggest going there to get a deal, but IF your already buying stuff from maccas doing it through the app gets you points you can trade in, jut scored a free medium coffee with a non standard milk! It takes a few purchases to build up the required points, so again not a deal. But if you're doing it anyway may as well get the free stuff from it.


    Gladiators is coming back! Gladiators on Channel 10 and 10 Play (2024) |

    Gladiators, one of the most exciting and energetic sports entertainment gameshows ever, will be returning to TV in its brand new home on Channel 10 and 10 Play.

    Gladiators on Channel 10 and 10 Play (2024) |

    Not a lot of confidence that 10 wont butcher it somehow, but keen as heck to give it a go!

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    Slow cooker meats?

    Hey all, been looking at YouTube slow cooker recipies on YouTube and I know meat over here is super expensive, but does anyone know if some of these cheaper cuts exist? Colesworth never seem to have any these days, and I think I’ve only seen gravy beef once at Aldi which I’m guessing is the best thing. Any idea where I’d get something that’s happy to site in the slow cooker for 8 hours that won’t cost me a kidney?


    Probably obvious but: Try tomato paste in a curry instead of just tomatoes in curry

    Had a crack at a lentil curry last night. Recipe called for 2 cans of tomatoes, but I had a jar of tomato paste open in the fridge so I added that plus a fair bit of water to compensate, plus the originally called for can of tomatoes. The end result was a curry with a beautiful rich gravy. It was thing and dreamy and bound all the curry flavors together in a way I'd never achieved before. Worth giving it ago.


    Another suggestion to check out Strange New Worlds if you haven't already done so.

    I know more than a few people will be reluctant to go in on another Star Trek show after Discovery. But even my wife (who is kind of into scifi but isnt a startrek fan) has gotten into Strange New Worlds. You dont have to be a Star Trek fan. So far theres only been one episode my wife had to ask "What was all that about". Its a real "adventure of the week" kind of show, which is refreshing in this "every show must have an overarching seasonal plot" world we live in. We're having a lot of fun with it!

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    Share your secret "Cheap to make but actually pretty nice" recipes or meal tips.

    I've started cooking some red lentils in some beef stock, adding them and some breakcrumbs to mince meat to pad the meat out a bit (and hide some extra veg in the meat). With meatballs you cant even tell the difference. What are some of your hacks/tips/tricks?


    Swagger or swag?

    Looking for some advice. Going camping in winter in vic. Got my eye on the 23Zero swag Or maybe the Coleman swagger darkroom Wondering if anyone’s got any experience or opinions? I’ve got a decent self inflating mat so I wouldn’t need to purchase that. I prefer the idea of the swag for longevity, but the tent for when the little fellas old enough to join me.


    MG with NSW plates

    I dont wanna alarm anyone, but I saw an MG the other day with NSW plates on it. They've obviously got the reliability to a point where you can at least make Albury to Melbourne. Maybe in 2-3 years it can make QLD.

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    Power rebates per state Struggling with rising power costs? Here's a state-by-state breakdown of what government rebates and concessions are available

    In addition to the federal Energy Bill Relief Fund, many Australian states offer power rebates to certain households and small business.

    Struggling with rising power costs? Here's a state-by-state breakdown of what government rebates and concessions are available

    For those unaware you can get a power rebate from your state government. Should help with the rising power bills.

    Aussie Frugal Living TinyBreak

    Frugal Guidelines

    Hey All, and welcome to frugal. This community is all about saving a buck, something we can all appreciate these days. It’s not about being cheap and forgetting your wallet when you go out for dinner with mates. More about good deals, tips, tricks and how tos. So feel free to post any bargains you find, any good recipes you discover or how tos you know about.


    Can we get an Aussie bargains or an Aussie frugal community?

    Loved the old reddit one for good deals and recipies and stuff. I think there are a few on other instances but none seem to have taken off.


    Russia trying to throw their political weight around. Russia sanctions 48 Australians in latest sweep punishing 'Russophobic' groups

    Among those sanctioned were 12 members of South Australia's Australia Day council.

    Russia sanctions 48 Australians in latest sweep punishing 'Russophobic' groups

    As if we’re gonna forget they are still just the second most powerful army in Ukraine.
