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ADHD Amicese

I forgot that some people tend to be invalidating towards ADHD. /save/

aiera saying: 'i assure you people with adhd can "just put in the effort" there are plenty of successful people with adhd' (bordered in red), 'you sure seem to post a lot very publicly for a guy who "flies solo" ', 'for something people barely even care about? yeah that's asking a lot.', 'posting about your projects doesn't seem to get them done any faster judging by your posting history', and 'you are not writing well<2 line breaks>Posting about stuff that you aren't done with releases dopamine, and will demotivate you to actually finish, just do the work instead of posting about it.' (bordered in red)

They also called me a schizophrenic for worrying about surveillance (capitalism). (lol)