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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

A pro-science marxist who is labeled with Autism and ADHD. Psychiatry is a psuedoscientific tool of oppression mostly used by the bourgeoisie and we should oppose it!

Dealing with silent reflux.

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Posts 376
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MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo

Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo - GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literu...

GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo

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> Tiu estas tre uzindan!


MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo

Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo - GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literu...

GitHub - MJWootton/Pinjinilo: Konverti Ĉinan Pinjinan (汉语拼音) Tekston kaj Ĉinsignojn (汉字) al Esperanto-Literumsistemo

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Constructed Languages Amicese

[Esperanto] Kial iĉo ne bezonata: [Why iĉ (a gender reform) is not needed]

transafiŝita el:

> Simple: > > * Patr'o: ĝeneralseksa patro. > * Patr'in'o: ina patro. > * Vir'patr'o: vira patro. > * Vir'patr'in'o: interseksa patro > > Instru'ist' enhavis viran sencon; sed nun tio enhavas ĝeneralseksan sencon.


  • Patr'o: for parent
  • Patr'in'o: for female parent
  • Vir'patr'o: for male parent
  • Vir'patr'in'o: for intersex parent

Instru'ist' used to have a male sense; but now it has a unsexed sense.


Kial iĉo ne bezonata:


  • Patr'o: ĝeneralseksa patro.
  • Patr'in'o: ina patro.
  • Vir'patr'o: vira patro.
  • Vir'patr'in'o: interseksa patro

Instruist' havis viran sencon; sed nun tio havas ĝeneralseksan sencon.


Lupa - Esperanta disbranĉiĝo de «Lua» GitHub - psychoslave/lupa

Contribute to psychoslave/lupa development by creating an account on GitHub.

GitHub - psychoslave/lupa

Ugh, my mom is an enabler for my controlling sibling…

so, it turns out my sibling, after college, they became fearful for their (and our family's) life and started pressuring my family. They are controlling me, my grandmother, and my mom.

Recently, I've seen this manifest in their confrontations.

  1. They says something ridiculous (usually about leaving the door unlocked for 10 secconds; not looking behind enough; ).
  2. I prove them wrong;
  3. They gets mad and insist being right.
  4. I slowly get angered when they keeps insisting I'm wrong
  5. then I get uncomfortable and angered so I request to end the conversation and they refuse and insist on me "listening to them" (repeat, multiple times)
  6. I enforce my boundaries (usually when I get harassed).
  7. They harass and try to assult me (they broke the door in my room).

This happened in the past few months…

Well, my mom (a "mental health" therapist, ugh) is basically not doing a thing to fix their problems (anger management therapy); my mom instead just coddles them and blames me for starting them up, when they are pressuring me and our family. (Why am I surprised? Christian liberal-supporters who haven't read the bible, get mad when their children curse (but nor anyone else), and overstock on food; turn out to be garbarge parents and enablers…)

My aunt went on about how "I need to bond with my family and work together" (which really just means "do as they say").

Grandmother cant do a thing about it; because she's weak.


Also, I'm thinking about signing out for good; if I keep posting; I might actually dox myself.

Reddit Amicese

[Post] My husband refuses to learn how to cook so he made himself boiled eggs and naan bread for dinner. - r/mildlyinfuriating

The fuck is OP's problem? He cooked for himself, not you; and he didnt pester you to cook.

Also, naan bread requires cooking… so either he cooked it or ordered it. Either way, who cares?


[Neveraj diroj pri Esperanto]

Mi nesuprizis ke malkontraŭkoloniistajn burĝarojn disdiras tiajn malverojn pri Esperanto.

Ankaŭ, esperanto fondata sur kunigeblaj vorteroj. esperanto ne fondita sur afiskoj.

0 Response To The Criticism Of Esperanto

Something I’ve been quite interested in lately is the language of Esperanto, an invented language which aims to promote global communication through a simple, neutral and logical language. However,…


The Fraud of the “Testament of Lenin”

I'm real pissed that Lenin's wife, Trotsky, and Khruschev would take advantage of Lenin's weakness like this.

Mi kolerita al edzino de Lenino, Trotskijo, kaj Kruŝov uzas malfortecon de Lenin por tio celo.


Ever notice how there's a lot of Russophobia and racism against Russians in Counter-Strike games?

Before the ukraine war, I noticed that a bunch of insults in that game were targetting Russians like saying SUKA BLYAT in a mocking tone.

Some of The U.S fan base generalize(d) russians as if they're like this.



A rmenaj esperantistoj disvolvis sian agadon en la komenco de la 20-a jarcento en urbo Tiflis (nuntempe - Tbiliso, la ĉefurbo de Kartvelio). Februare 1905, estis organizita la unua E-grupeto,...


Tagkajero en prizono (1966 edition) | Open Library Tagkajero en prizono by Hò̂, Chí Minh | Open Library

Tagkajero en prizono by Hò̂, Chí Minh, 1966, Femdlingva Eldonejo edition, in Esperanto

Tagkajero en prizono by Hò̂, Chí Minh | Open Library

transafiŝita el:

> Kamarado Hó Ĉi Minh! > > Ĉu ajn homo aŭ ajn reto havas ĉin libron? --

Comrade Ho Chi Minh (is based AF)!

Does anyone or any site have this book?