I’m not 100% against this. Sure it is a risk some might not be willing to make - but if I can take a strept test on my own and goto a robot and get my antibiotics at 12:30 am on a Sunday and it doesn’t cost me $150 office visit -sign me up. Most of the time docs just give a test and prescribe a pill. I can do it. They aren’t hard tests - usually 3 steps. Just make the tests available over the counter!!!
But all this could be done without ai, or any sort of machine learning. If it is a simple positive negative test why not have a machine that vends and reads a colorful dots?
there is almost no chance of that changing, and the medicine wouldn’t be dangerous
it’s not addictive
not expensive
can’t be abused
it’s a common medicine with no black market value
Yet every 30 days, the doctor needs to write a refill. I never talk to him, there are no tests, I just leave a voicemail and they send it to the pharmacy the next day. That doctor adds no value.
Most of us would say I should at least be able to get 90 day supply or automatic renewal by the pharmacy. However a way to save the cost of that useless doctor without actually fixing anything is to have an “ai” do it. Or a cron job