Just to be clear, it isn't up to DNC committes or legislators to defeat MAGA. That's our job. We have to go out and convince people to vote for the Democrats. Independents sometimes, too. We need to remove Maga from congress by defeating them in elections, us the citizens have to do that shit.
Stop blaming the solution for the problem we're making, WE need to DO THIS. This is OUR JOB.
The entire point of the democratic party is to get it's members elected.
And theyre a private party with no obligations to anyone else.
It's the parties job to convince voters to vote. It's not the voters job to always pick the lesser of two evils, especially when both parties use every opportunity to become more "evil" by siding with the wealthy more than regular citizens.
WE need to DO THIS. This is OUR JOB.
We're not the ones who just wasted $1,500,000,000 and paid ourselves millions.
If it's our job why the fuck are we paying people fighting against us to do it poorly?
I'm not paying you and you're not paying me, but we can still volunteer, organize events, speak to our peers to get them to vote for whats right, for policy that helps them.
The party's job is to vote on legislation. Its our job to get them there.
Candidates for office get picked in Primaries. If you get rejected by the DNC to even be on a ticket then congrats you failed one of the lowest imaginable bars.