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I, for one, am happy to receive any of our progressive neighbours to the south. We'll need all the help we can to not follow in the US's footsteps.
63 0 ReplyAs an American: Maybe we can just bring all of our progressive folks to Canada, and you can ship all of your right-wingers to America. Please?
35 0 ReplyShipping is expensive... is a trebuchet ok?
26 0 ReplyAll the John Rustad and Pierre Poilievre supporters should move to Mississippi and Florida to save us all the trouble.
20 0 ReplyDeal! Apologies for not sending our best.
16 2 ReplyPlease don't send your best, we'd like you all to still be there when we arrive. <3
4 0 Reply
Progressive Americans share too many values with Conservative Canadians. Sorry.
8 1 ReplyApologizing for pointing out something obvious: most Canadian thing ever.
1 0 Reply
@KoboldCoterie You have a deal!!
5 1 ReplyI'd be down for this. Send them all to the deep south, no takebacks when climate change fucks it all up. Seize the great lakes.
4 0 ReplyAs someone who borders most of the Great Lakes, please don’t seize - most of us will join you willingly
7 1 Reply
And how will Canada defend itself against its fascist neighbor?
4 2 Reply
This is what I've been saying. The kind of people who are trying to get away from fascism are exactly the kind of people we want.
25 1 ReplySlide me one of those jobs with a work visa and I’ll be on the first train out. Got like 6 months of Duolingo French if that helps
5 0 ReplyYeah, this couple are the best Americans we could receive.
5 0 Reply