The Trump campaign reported former President Donald Trump was safe after hearing "gunshots in his vicinity."Law enforcement sources told the New York Post that there was a shooting "near" Trump as he was leaving his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday afternoon."Two people exchanged gun...
"Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other. However, sources said investigators now believe the Secret Service agent was the only shooter."
CNN via (HBO)Max reporting that they found an AK-47 in the bushes:
Law enforcement officials found a weapon and other items left behind by the suspect where he was positioned in the bushes near the Trump International Golf Club in South Florida on Sunday.
“In the bushes, where this guy was, is an AK-47 style rifle with a scope; two backpacks, which were hung on the fence and had ceramic tile in them; and a GoPro. … So, those are being processed right now,” Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said.